Chapter 18: Scared About the Future

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Brendon's POV

Okay. It's been a month or so since Rebecca and I have gotten back together. Things have been going great! We only have a couple of weeks left till our junior year is over. The band is moving along quite well and I couldn't be happier. We even decided on a name for the band. "Panic! At the Disco" I loved the ring to it.

Oh, I finally got over Ryan and Becca being friends, and realized he's actually a really cool guy. We even are pretty good friends ourselves. He plays lead guitar in the band. He is super good, and Spencer plays drums. There is also a guy named Brent who plays bass. We all have really progressed over time, and I'm pretty happy with where we're at. We all even decided to make a MySpace page and people are going crazy over our songs! I can't believe how much it's blown up. It's crazy.

I've been pretty busy with the band and it's been pretty hard trying to make time with Becca, but I'm trying to make everything work. She's been really patient with me. I just feel bad that I spend more time with her best friend than she does. I think she knows how much the band means to us though, so I think she understands. I'm going out to dinner with her tonight. I'm pretty excited because we haven't in a while.

I actually just got done getting ready. That means I should probably go check on Becca. I walk across the street and into her house yelling "Honey, Im home!" I shut the door and was about to make my way up the stairs but she called back "Okay, I'll be done in a second!" I smiled and made my way to the couch. I played with my fingers a bit. I guess I was nervous? I don't know, probably more anxious.

I started to hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see a girl with a nice purple dress with a V neck. She was wearing black opened toe heels, and her eyes were a bright green as always complemented by her smile. I couldn't keep my eyes off her she was beautiful. I don't even think you understand. That was MY girlfriend. How did a guy like me manage to keep someone like her interested in a guy like me? Well, I must be doing something right.

She came over and placed her arms around my neck with the smile never leaving her face. "You look...beautiful." I said trying to make it as sincere as possible. Her smile grew wider and she pressing her lips against mine. "Thank you." She said pulling away. "Now." She said placing her hands on my shoulders and sliding her hands down my sleeves finding my hands. "You ready to go?" She asked looking at our hands. My eyes were too focused on her to bring my attention to our hands. They were glued to her. "Yeah." I said finally looking down on her thumb gracing my hand. "Okay." She said laughing pulling me out of the house.

We got in the car and drove off. I brought her to a pretty nice restaurant. We sat down and I couldn't stop smiling at her. She was just so breathe taking. She smiled back of course. "So, would you like to inform why you are in such a good mood?" She asked placing her hands under her chin with a slight giggle. "Oh-uh, no reason in particular. I'm just really happy to be with you. We haven't done this in a while and I just really missed this." I looked down at my fingers pulling at each other. I could still feel her eyes on me. She grabbed my hands and I looked up at her. "You're all I could ever ask for. You know that?" She asked. I was about to answer but I was interrupted.

"Hello! I am George, your waiter this evening. Anything you need just let me know and I will do my best to fulfill your wildest dreams.....well I can only try." He gave a bit of a chuckle. "Can I start you beautiful people off with any drinks tonight?" He asked pulling out his notepad. "Umm, a water for me is fine." I replied looking over at Becca. "Same." She said giving the waiter a small smile. "I will be right back with your waters." He grinned and walked off.

I looked back to Becca and she was looking through her menu, so I did the same. "Brendon?" She said putting her menu down and looking toward me. "Yeah?" I questioned. "What do...What are you going to do when the band takes off?" She rubbed her hand against her arm. "What do you mean?" Even though I had a feeling of what she was implying I asked anyway. "" She said pointing to me and her. "Well, I'll definitely going to try my best to make it work. I'm not giving up on us just because of some distance. I love you, and I'm not willing to give you up." I said without a single lie.

She left a little silence. "Okay." Is all she said. I could tell she didn't believe me. I placed my hand on the side of her face and looked at her. "Listen. I mean it. I don't want you ever to leave. You got that? I need you. I know that sounds bad that I need you. Maybe it even sounds selfish, but it's true. The moment you walked into my life there was no you walking out. I'm not going to give up on us. I couldn't. I'm here for you, and I will always try my hardest to be what's best for you. I love you Rebecca Guthrie, and those words will always be true." I tried to make my eyes more believable this time.

She smiled this time and her "Okay." sounded like she believed me. I grinned. "You don't have to worry about it. Okay?" I asked. She just nodded her head and smiled as she took my hand that was on her face into her hand. "I love you Brendon." Her green eyes looked sincere.

"Okay, I have two waters and-and I'm ruining a moment. Crap! Dan why do you always do this?!" He shook his head. "Nah, really it's fine." I chuckled. He just put the waters down and walked away continuing to shake his head. I looked to Becca and we both started to laughed.

Soon enough we finished our dinner and made our way back to my place. Rebecca's parents were on some cruise so I told her she could stay the night. Even though she lives across the street and she could just go over and get pajamas she wore one of my shirts anyway. I didn't mind at all. She fell asleep in my arms while I just continued to think about what she asked earlier. What would I do? I mean the band wasn't going to take off anyway so I guess I didn't have to worry about it.

A/N: Hey guys! Okay. A few things, this chapter is blehhhhh. Sorry. 😕 I was going to put more in but decided to leave it for next chapter. Sooooo, stay tuned! 😉 Also I feel like it's been a while since I posted. (idk how long it's been, but if I can't remember it's been too long.) Annnnnnddddd I'M ALMOST TO A FUCKING THOUSAND VIEWS!!!! Guys! This is fucking crazy! I remember when I was like "OMG I HAVE 9 VIEWS THATS MORE THAN THE FRIENDS I HAVE!!!" All I can say is just a huge Thank you!!! Honestly I know only a few of you continue to read this but I don't care. You guys make me smile! I've recently been going through a lot and a few things have recently made me smile, and I'd just like to thank you for a reason to smile. You guys are just....amazing and I always get excited when I get comments and stuff. I love all my readers. This is so long I hope someone reads this. 😆 That'll be all! I'm leaving with a hug, cuz if I could I'd hug you all!

The Boy Across the Street (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now