Chapter 22: Truth Comes. I Go.

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Rebecca's POV

Here I am. Ready to start my last day as a junior, and heading off to England. I don't know if Brendon's aware I'm leaving, but if he does, I'm pretty sure he'd be relieved. Ryan isn't happy about it, but I think he understands that I need to make my own decisions to learn and grow.

I was about to step out of the house in my red skinny jeans and Def Leppard tee shirt. To be honest as much as I said I wanted to be away from Brendon it was quite the opposite. I felt like I needed to give him space to do his thing. Maybe, running off to another country isn't exactly the right way to express your love towards someone but I never said it was right.

I stepped out looking at my old black converse that I wore the first day of school. I smiled. I never did get a new pair like I said I would. I looked up to see the same old familiar face from that same day. How I felt when I saw him that day for the first time was the same way I felt now. I smiled and he caught it. He didn't understand and just walked to his car with a confused look on his face. This day was different in the way it pained me to feel the way I did about him. That day I was filled with butterflies and smiles that he brought me just by looking in my eyes. I wasn't afraid to feel happy with him. I don't even know if I'd ever feel that again.

I finally got in my car and headed to school. Maybe I didn't wanna go to England. Maybe I wanted to stay in his arms instead. Ha, wish that was an option. I got to the point where it physically pained me to love him. That's why I had to go to England. Maybe then I'd forget about him. Just for a little while. Who am I kidding? No I wouldn't. I got in the school parking lot and was about to head to homeroom when someone jumped in my car.

"Why are you headed to England?" Brendon asked shutting the car door. I put my feet back in the car and shut my door too. "I thought it'd be a nice trip." I said feeling strange with the fact he wanted to ask. "You're running." He said looking me dead in the eyes. I laughed lightly. "Excuse me?" I asked fearing he might know my secret. "A woman doesn't smile at a past boyfriend that she cheated on the way you did this morning. You didn't. Did you?" He said confident in what he was saying.

"Brendon I don't have time for this I have to get to class." I started to get out of the car when he grabbed my wrist. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you did it." He said staring me down. I leaned down and looked him right in the eyes. Tears were starting to fall. "I did." Is all I said before I shut the door and walked as fast as I could away from the car.

Ryan caught me and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong?!" He asked trying to comfort me. I looked up at him. "You told him didn't you? You told him I didn't do it!" I yelled at him with his arms still around my waist. "No, I didn't, but you just did." He said letting go of me. I turned around and saw Brendon standing there. He didn't really have an expression on his face. He just motioned his hands for me to come to him. I did and he pulled me into a hug. I was swept over with the feeling of guilt but strangely relief too. I was caught in my lie and in a way I was upset but relieved too.

At this point the bell rang and everyone went to class, but Brendon pulled me away. He brought me outside to the bench. "Why?" Is all he said. Just like when I told him the lie. It was in the same way, and it felt like being punched in the gut then and now. "It was stupid." I said. "I still wanna know damn it!" He yelled. "You're leaving Brendon! In what a year you'll be gone? You'll be off touring the world, sleeping with a different girl every night! Eventually you'd forget about me!" I said with my tone the same as his. He shook his head and smiled. "You know better." He said. "I don't want the lies you've been feeding everyone and yourself. I want the truth. This isn't my fault." He still had the smile on his face.

I was thrown back by what he said. I thought about it before I spoke. "I was scared. I did it out of fear. Maybe, I knew you wouldn't leave me. Maybe, I couldn't take it. All the times you said you wouldn't, never computed. I was gonna be alone. That's all I could think of. It didn't really matter what you said. So, yeah it is my fault." I said pulling the sleeves of my sweater over my hands. "I don't understand how I can be so angry and love you at the same time." He said pulling me into a hug. I started to cry. "I'm sorry." I buried my face in his shoulder. "Shhhh." Is all he said rubbing circles in my back.

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes with his hands on my waist. "Go to England. We can figure this out when you get back. I love you, but I'm still upset. We both need this time to think." He said with his eyes worried. I just nodded with a sob and he pulled me back into a hug.

"You know we should skip class and go get some frozen yogurt before you leave. We haven't in a while." He said still rubbing my back. I smiled. "Well I leave at noon so you better hurry up." I said with a sniffle. "Will do." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started his way to his car. "Put me down!" I laughed. "Nope, not happening." He said all happy.

He placed me in the car and smiled at me, and I smiled back at him. I wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there, but I lost that opportunity. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek and he knew that he could kiss me. He looked at my lips and I could tell he wanted what I wanted, but his eyes turned sad. It looked like it pained him to look at me. He smiled again but this time a weak smile and shut the door.

"My suitcase is in my car if you want to take me to the airport afterwards." I said as he opened his car door. "Oh good idea hand me your keys." He said. I tossed him my keys and he got my bags and put them in the car. The drive to the yogurt place wasn't eventful every now and then we'd share a laugh but it wasn't the same as it used to be. This was my fault, and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

We got to the yogurt place and somehow I convinced his stubborn self to let me pay. "2 Strawberry yogurts with rainbow sprinkles, and gummy bears." He told the employee. I looked at him and smiled. "You still remember." I said. He nodded his head with a smile and grabbed the yogurt while I paid. I sat down next to him in the booth and we ate our froyo.

He was teasing me on my red skinny jeans so I flung yogurt at his face. He sat there eyes closed mouth open for a second probably plotting his revenge. He grabbed me by the waist and started tickling me and I started laughing uncontrollably. I tried to pry his hands off of me but failed. I begged him to stop and eventually he did. "I'm sorry." I said still laughing a bit.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped his face getting all the yogurt off. "There." I said smiling. "That actually hurt I think you got it in my eyes." He said rubbing his face. "Whiner." I mumbled under my breath. "Excuse me." He smiled at me. "Nothing." I said acting all innocent with a huge grin on my face. "That's what I thought." He squinted at me. I rolled my eyes and threw the cup of yogurt away. He followed and we went back into the car.

He started driving in the direction of the airport and grabbed my hand holding it the whole way there. I couldn't tell if he was sad or not that I was leaving, but he was right that we both needed time to think. This is for the best. We arrived in the parking lot and found a space. We walked in holding hands with my suitcase dragging along behind us. Maybe this would actually be a fun trip. I mean who doesn't like England?

We went through security and everything and it came the time to finally say our goodbyes. "I'm gonna miss you." I said to him grabbing his hand again. "I'm gonna miss you too. Have a safe flight. Okay, and have fun in England. Don't you forget about me." He smiled. "I'm pretty sure I'd never succeed in the quest of forgetting Brendon Urie." I chuckled.

I brought him into a hug and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away and grabbed my bag. "Wait." He said. I turned around confused, and he looked into my eyes and then at my lips. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek again and leaned in kissing me softly. I kissed him back and it turned more passionate. He pulled away and smiled. "I won't be able to do that for three months." He pressed his forehead to mine, and I hugged him again this time with tears leaving my eyes. "I love you." I sniffled. "I love you too. Now go you have a flight to catch!" He smiled and kissed me on the head. "Okay! Okay!" I smiled and off I was to a different country. Leaving a giant mess behind me.

A/N: Surprized? Haha because I actually am this isn't how I planned to write this chapter, but hey I like to be spontaneous! Alllllsssssooooo 2k BITCHEZ!!! Thanks again guys! I hope this chapter is good enough for celebration!? I love all y'all so much please comment and vote! Feedback is ALWAYS much appreciated!!! I don't care if you even hate my story! Let me know! I hope this is long enough! 😧😬😊😜✌️

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