Chapter 1: Ugly Shoes and a Pretty Boy

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My name is Rebecca. I'm 16 going into my junior year of high school. I have long brown hair that reaches my mid back. My eyes are green, and my skin is pale. I'm not too skinny but I'm not fat. Anyway I should probably start my story now that you know a little about me.

I just woke up and looked at my clock. It was 6:30. It was a beautiful day with just a few clouds in the sky. The beginning of fall, my favorite time of year. I loved the changing colors of the leaves, and the cold, crisp air.

I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I got out some cereal, a bowl, a spoon and, some milk. I ate up my breakfast and went back upstairs. I went through my dresser looking for clothes. I decided on some skinny jeans and a blue baggy sweater. I put them on and looked in the mirror. I noticed the state of my hair and decided to brush it, but of course that wasn't enough. It never was. I pulled out my straightener and went to work. I then applied my makeup and out the door I was.

I walked outside looking down on my old black converse, which were falling apart. I guess I'll get some new ones soon. I lifted my head and realized a family moving in across the street. A boy my age carrying a box into the navy blue house. His hair swept across his forehead and such a neat manner. He was wearing a long sleeve gray shirt with dark blue jeans. I'm not gonna lie I got excited noticing new accompany around the neighborhood. Especially not so bad looking accompany! Oh shit, he's looking my way. He flashed a smile that could make any girl's heart melt.

As he hollered over, "Hey! Um, do you know where the school is around here?"

I hesitated to speak as I was still caught up with his smile that happened like, 10 minutes ago.... Oh dear. "Uh..yeah it's not far only like 5 minutes from here."

He then parted his lips showing his precious smile again. "Oh that's great. Um would you mind showing me?"


"Oh yeah that'd be no problem! My car is right over here." As I pointed to my blue Honda. He put the box down on the steps, and jogged across the street. He opened the door and climbed in.

I bit my lip as I opened the door trying not to show my excitement. I sat in the car as I started the engine. I pulled out of the driveway. He turned on the radio and blink 182 came on! I got all excited. "I love this song!" He said. I then widened my eyes. "You like blink 182?" I asked. He drummed his fingers on his leg and looked at me. My heart raced whenever his eyes met mine. "Yeah. Do you?" I nodded and smiled.

We arrived at the school. He stepped out of the car and shut the door looking at me. "Heyy would you mind walking me to the front office?" He asked. I knew that if I walked him there I'd probably would get a late slip, but of course that didn't matter to me. "Yeah no problem!"

I walked him to the front desk and stood there. He was talking to the secretary as I kinda just spaced off. He touched my arm. I looked down at his hand and back to him. "Would that be okay with you?" Oh shit I missed something? I hope I wasn't staring at him!!! "Hmm what was that?" I said. The secretary giggled "We were wondering if it'd be alright if Mr. Urie-" "Brendon." He corrected. "Brendon could shadow you for the day." She finished. "Oh yeah no problem." I replied. I sent out a small smile. I didn't want to seem too excited.

"Great!" he said. I walked him down the hall to our first class. I stepped into the room with Brendon behind me.

"Miss Guthrie! Why are you late!!!" Mr. Johnson yelled. "I uh-" I started to say. "That'd be my fault sir." Brendon spoke in a defending way as he stepped in front of me. "Oh, I wasn't notified we were having a new student today. I guess I'll excuse your tardiness today Miss Guthrie. You two take a seat in the back of the class. Now the reproductions of the cells-" He went right back to teaching as I took my seat right by Brendon.

"Hi, I know I haven't quite introduced myself yet. I'm Brendon." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. Which I accepted. "Haha I gathered that." I smiled. "What's your name?" He bit his lip. Which was incredibly attractive. I began to lose focus on what he was saying. What did he say!? Oh yeah right my name. "My name is Rebecca. Rebecca Guthrie, and nice to meet you." He smirked and replied "Nice to meet you too Rebecca Guthrie, which is a beautiful name by the way."

"Why thank you." I blushed. Yes I blushed! Even if it was him just complimenting me on my name, I was flattered.

I turned my attention toward the board. He leaned over. "Do you have any idea what he's going on about?" He asked. I giggled a bit "Nope science is not my thing." Our conversation continued moving to varies of different subjects. We really clicked. I actually liked him, and I know, I know he was hot, but I think we'll make good friends.

The bell rang and class was over. "Oh shit, my mom called." Brendon said. "Does she not know you're here?" I asked. He combed his fingers through his hair. "Yeahhh, no." I smiled a bit "You should call her. It's okay. I'll wait here for you." He went on to say thank you and ran off. I was right by my locker so I switched out my books.

I then felt arms push me up against the lockers. I was taken by surprise. "I see you're hanging out with pretty boy. You need to back off he's mine." A girl said in rage. One of her friends behind her chimed in. "Veronica, as if she could win him. Look at her. She's so ugly! I mean look at her shoes. Eww I'd never put those nasty things on my feet!" Tears started to stream down my face. The girls started to laugh. How could people be so cruel?

Brendon came around the corner and saw the girls. He rushed over, and lifted Veronica's arms off of me. "What the hell are you doing?!" He asked in a bitter rage. I tried to brush off some of my tears. She looked at me and then to him. "We were just having a little fun!" She smiled "Well why don't you have a little fun elsewhere?" He replied with a look of disgust. She chuckled a bit "Haha umm I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" As she tried to flirtatiously twist her blonde hair around her finger and bite her lip. Brendon raised an eyebrow "Most definitely not!" He added a chuckle. She walked away in frustration and disappointment.

He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. His body was warm, and comforting. I tried to hold back tears, but still managed to get his grey sleeve wet. "Shhh shhh it's okay." He whispered. I looked up from his shoulder, and wiped my face. I stepped back a bit, and looked down at the ground. He picked up my chin with his finger. He then cupped his hands around my face as he brushed away tears from my cheek with his thumbs. He smiled and said "Don't cry. Please don't cry. Those girls are nothing but makeup and cheap perfume." I smiled "Some day they'll get what's coming for them." He finished while pulling me back into a hug. I looked up at him and said, "We should probably be getting to class now." He gave me a slight smirk. "Okay."

(A/N: So yeahhh that's my first chapter haha. This is my first story on wattpad, and I seriously hope my friends don't find it, because then I'll never hear the end XD Please give me feed back do you like it so far? Idk if anyone will read this probably not.... Hopefully not... Haha yeah depending on how many reads I get I'll decided whether or not to continue.)

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