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"Three....two...one...GO!" Alice cheered on the girls, who were competing against the boys in a drinking contest, in celebration of being back at Hogwarts, Sirius had pointed out that the girls rarely drink so it was easy enough to beat them, which lead to the current process.

The party was being hosted in the Ravenclaw's common room, as it was the furthest away from the teachers prying ears. And none of the other houses usually wanted to host any of these parties with Slytherin attending, especially Gryffindor's.

Melanie was ahead of everybody else, which wasn't really a surprise to most people. What was most shocking was that Lily was a close second with Crystal, the two girls were shoving down the shots before slamming the cups down and moving on to the next, Lily looked extremely calm a she went.

Sirius ended up coughing on one of his, which caused him to back away from the table as the girls cheered in victory, Alice clapping beside them alongside with others who had been watching.

"Oh yes" Melanie drawled out her words as she teased Sirius, giving him a mischievous grin as she did. "I just stole the record and your pride"

"The boy has no shade" Crystal reminded as she joined the girls side, people who had once been cheering them on had slowly moved away after loosing interest. "Or masculinity"

Sirius scoffed, "If you need me to show you my masculinity, I will gladly do so"

"Melanie will accept this invitation" Crystal nodded immediately, not wanting her involved in whatever Sirius was cooking up in that disturbed brain of his, she glanced down at her own hands. "I--I am going to grab some more alcohol, they have fire whiskey, right?"

Crystal walked past the boys, in search of the main source of alcohol, she had to admit that the muggle drinks were taking an effect to her, she would defiantly be trying the shots again. The random teenage boys who spotted her had their eyes glued to her figure, she was actually wearing more 'feminine' clothes than usual and she hated the lewd stares. She rolled her eyes at some of them, shoving a few others out of the way as she continued her walk.

She smiled at Marlene when she walked past her, offering her a smile and a wave before she finally spotted the table, only to groan to herself when she saw someone she had hoped not to see.

"What are you doing here?" Crystal quizzed as she reached over and grabbed a cup, her arm brushing against Evan's as she did, his attention snapped to her instantly, and he looked over her face--hating the make up that he spotted.

"This is my common room" Evan remarks, a small chuckle escaping his mouth after he spoke, and Crystal shook away the possibility of the embarrassment showing itself on her face.

"I thought you were more of the...stay in the Slytherin common room alone...type" Crystal responded, pouring some fire whiskey into a plastic cup before she turned her body to face the brunette beside her, he didn't even glance at her body.

"I have friends" Evan countered, pointing over to the group of Slytherin's, but Crystal didn't bother to look where he pointed as she smiled up to him innocently.

"That is truly my fault, I didn't think anyone would want to be friends with you" She smirked, and he didn't let it bother him as much as she wanted it to.

"Are you here to tease me or talk about the fact that I snogged you?" Evan asked, finally letting the question leave his mind, her future was slowly fading away more and more and it was beginning to worry him--the only reason he could hope fore is that her future was with him.

"Bet you were just waiting to bring that up" Crystal mumbled, before she decided that she should take a chug of her drink, and she placed a hand on Evan's shoulder as she sent her head back so she could drink it easier.

"We're getting married after we leave anyway, it shouldn't be that much of a deal" Evan shrugged lightly, watching as Crystal finished off her drink and threw it onto the table, turning to face Evan again.

"You are right, it isn't a big deal and technically I don't have to deal with you until after we finish school" Crystal nodded, and there was no doubt in her own sober side that she was drunk, but she didn't listen to that voice and instead came up with an impulsive action to piss him off.

"That's not what I-" Evan went to grab her arm, but she slipped past him and walked over to where everyone was dancing around the floor, and she decided the best person to help her gain her act against Evan...would be Remus, who was already being forced to dance with James and Sirius.

She took his hands and guided them to her waist, before she wrapped her arms around his neck and began to guide him in a hyper dance (Nothing that bad). She began to shout out the words to the song, Remus joining in as he let loose.

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