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Crystal let out a groan as she rolled over in her bed, shifting closer to the only source of warmth that she could find as she shivered slightly from the September weather, before the warmth seemed to press an arm over her and her eyes shot open in a panic.

She was not in her bed, that she certainly knew. In fact, she wasn't even anywhere near the Gryffindor common room, she was in the Slytherin common room.

In Evan's bed, with his arm around her.

Crystal sighed as she realised that they were still wearing clothes, although she was in a large green t-shirt that she assumed was his. They hadn't shagged, that much she knew, but she could certainly remember them talking and that's about it, thank Merlin.

She slowly peeled away Evan's arm from her before glancing down at a clock he had on his beside table, it was only 5:32, so hopefully nobody was awake.

She slipped on her shoes before she grabbed her folded up clothes and began to wander out of the room, closing the door behind her as quietly as she could.

The only problem was that she had never been in the Slytherin common room, so she had no general idea on how to get out of the place.

Crystal wandered down a set of stairs that she was near by and glanced every chance she had so that she wouldn't be caught by anyone, hopefully.

She certainly couldn't deal with Nott or Malfoy teasing her for the remaining two years of school, not forgetting about how she was secretly engaged to Evan and she didn't want to explain that until she needed to. That was going to be her last resort.

As she didn't even have an 'engagement' ring yet.

She finally arrived in a cold and dark pace that had window, that looked like the black lake was outside of it. It was cold and classy, perfect for a house like Slytherin.

As soon as she saw the couch's she assumed that this was the common room, and she nodded in agreement to her own thoughts before she walked over to the large, sleek black doors that seemed to take up half a wall.

But, when she pushed it, it didn't open. She cursed herself inwardly as she began to wander up and down as she tried to think of a way to get it open.

"Of course there would be a password on the door, Slytherin's have always been cautious....Merlin, why did I think drinking was a good idea?!...oh I hope nobody finds me here...think, Crystal, think!...this is why you're not in Ravenclaw!" She mumbled on and on to herself as she continued to walk.

"Do you need help?" Crystal flinched as she heard a shy voice cut into her rambling, and she turned to see one of the Black sisters, she believed that it was Narcissa.

"Yes please" Crystal shyly admitted as she fiddled with the edge of her jeans, trying to get rid of the blush that raised to her cheeks as the girl with blonde hair analysed her.

"Pureblood" Narcissa simply stated before she sent Crystal a smile, that the girl sheepishly returned before she left the place, thanking the girl before the doors closed.

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