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When Crystal came too, she groaned out loudly and gripped her head in her hands as she shot you in her place, only to realise she was in her bed and was in the same exact clothes

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When Crystal came too, she groaned out loudly and gripped her head in her hands as she shot you in her place, only to realise she was in her bed and was in the same exact clothes.

But, judging by the light outside and the clock on her desk, she'd only been out for an hour or so.

She then placed her hands on her face as it hit her, What had actually caused her to faints embarrassingly.

She let go of her face with a small groan before she managed to push herself out of bed and place her flats back on, removing herself from the comfort of her bed so she could go grab something to eat.

When she arrived at the dinning room (which led to the kitchen) she realised the Deaver's were still there, and were actually eating their main course as they chatted away happily to her family.

This was all too weird and sudden for her, she was fifteen years old.

"Crystal!" Mrs Deaver shouted out loud, noticing her standing there first, causing Evan to spin around in his chair so her could check if she was okay as she had literally slammed her head into a marvel floor. "Come join, I managed to keep Evan away from most of the meat"

Crystal managed a small smile before she walked over to her spot next to her father and Evan, who sent her a small look of concern before pacing her the plate of chicken, knowing she loved it from the many times he had seen her eating them in the great hall.

"So, what do you want to do after school Crystal?" Mrs Deaver questioned the girl, who sent the woman another little smile as she stacks some chicken on her plate, not as much as usually would so she wouldn't be scolded.

"I want to healer, I've always been fascinated with potions and herbology and I would love to help others too, but if I had to pick a dream job it would be something to do with magical creatures" she rambled on, but when she noticed the look her mother sent, she quickly added. "But that was just a childhood fantasy, I suppose"

Mrs Deaver nodded, "I get it, my childhood fantasy was a wand maker, but now I have a famous clothing brand"

"Which is amazing, by the way" Her mother managed to add on a compliment. "I wore those pumps you sent me and everyone had noticed them when I went to drop off papers for Patrick at the ministry"

"Thank you, Snow" Mrs Deaver gushed, "I have to ask though, how come you lady's have such unique names?"

"Oh, it's a tradition on my family where we name the daughters after crystals or gems" her mother explained, "I'm after a snow quartz and crystal is named after, well, Crystal's. And I hope she continued the tradition if she has a daughter"

"A name as unique as the beautiful woman" Mrs Deaver nodded along, "oh! I hope they have a daughter now! What names do you think you would pick, Crystal?"

Crystal froze whilst cutting her chicken, she hated these sorts of questions and Evan could notice by her entire figure.

"She used to love the name Honey and Rose when she was younger, after the gems of course, but my Aunt's has them names taken" her mother took over for her.

"Rosie, I came up with the name Rosie that I liked" Crystal spoke up and Mrs Deaver looked over eagerly, "it's after the rose quartz and it means the flower, rose, which can each have different colours and meanings. Like yellow for friendship or red for romance"

"Oh I love that" Mrs Deaver excepted the answer and moved on to another conversation that involved her husband and Crystal's father this time.

But, Crystal couldn't brush the brush that was on her cheeks as Evan looked at her with an unknown passion.

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