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"Do you now what I just realised?" James spoke you as him and Lupin sat in the library, Lupin trying to study as James kept firing Pitt stupid plots they could do instead

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"Do you now what I just realised?" James spoke you as him and Lupin sat in the library, Lupin trying to study as James kept firing Pitt stupid plots they could do instead. "If Blake actually asks out Crystal Ball, and they date, he won't ever bother Lily ever again"

Remus cringed at the thought, "I don't think that they'd want to date him, any of them—"

"That's a really smart idea" James nodded along to himself, and he snapped his fingers. "We just need to get Crystal to agree to dating him"

"I don't think—" Remus went to argue, but James shout up from his position at the table in the corner.

"I've got nothing to loose! Oh, I'll get Sirius in it too! He'd love Blake to stay away from Mela Bela" James quickly spoke before he began to walk away, Remus quickly gathering his things so he could chase after James to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

Unknown to the boys, Evan Deaver was on another row and had heard of the conversation, but he didn't seem to mind at all.


Crystal was humming along to strange tunes as she sat near the black lake, not really freaking out about how close she was to all the dangers, including the Merfolk.

She was at peace with nature and was twirling around whilst trying to remove any negative thoughts from her mind, mainly the exams that were going to start in a month.

"Crystal!" A masculine voice yelled and she stopped twirling in her place and froze, she recognised the voice and quickly scolded herself for twirling out where he could find her.

She put on her best forced smile as he ran over to her, "Hi Justin, can I help you with something, I was kinda busy..."

"Twirling around?" He asked jokingly, and she didn't seem to laugh alongside him, she loved doing it as a stress reliever or when she needed to think. "Erm, anyway, I wanted to ask you to hogsmeade. I was just wandering if you wanted to go with me on Saturday"

"Oh" She honestly didn't think he'd have the guts to ask her as she didn't expect him to be so upfront about it so soon, and she glanced around her surroundings to try and spot someone she knew, only seeing Evan and she could he wouldn't help her so she came up with a quick excuse in her mind.

"Well?" Justin asked her as he put on his best Prince Charming grin.

"I'm sorry" she smacked her head lightly, "I've already made plans with someone for Hogsmeade"

"Oh, who?" His smirk didn't exactly shift and she fought the urge to hit him in the face. "Let's face it, you'd have a a better time with me"

And he reached out with one of his hands and stroked her arm, causing her jaw to clench as she glanced down at it and someone further away noticed and began to make his way towards them.

She let out a small laugh as she lifted her hand up and shoved his hand off of her arm, "I think you misheard me, I said I was busy"

"And I think you didn't hear me when I stated about how much fun we could have together" He smirked lightly as he brought his hand on her arm, but higher up and in a slightly tighter grip.

Her smile didn't falter either and swung her ring hand back and sent it full force into his 'pretty boy' face.

"You think it's okay to just grab a girl like that?!" She shouted at him, and Evan stopped in his place a few steps away from them, she sent a kick into his stomach and he groaned on the floor. "You should treat women with the respect they deserve! We are not your play-things!"

And with one more kick to the special place, she pushed her hair away from her face gently before she turned to walk away, only just noticing Evan standing there as he was smiling at the scene almost as though he was impressed.

Crystal let out a small hum before she marched right past him and towards the castle where she could attempt to calm herself down, people watching or applauding her as she walked past them.

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