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Dear Crystal,

We would love it if you went to visit the family lodge with your friends, especially if Lily is there to keep you in order, we will be attending a few meetings over the holidays but we will stop by when we are available.

As you mentioned that Melanie and Lily have some...boy friends coming with them, I thought it would be appropriate to send Evan with you, and his mother excepted graciously.

Take care, and enjoy your holiday

—Mum and Dad

Crystal scoffed as she took the key out of the envelope and stared down at it, her plans with friends had just been ruined and now she had to bring her fiancé, or whatever he was.

"Is that a letter from your parents? What did they say?" Lily asked from the other side of the Gryffindor table, Crystal sighed before she handed it over, Melanie cluelessly munching on some chips beside her. "What?! You have to bring Evan?"

Crystal hushed her for shouting loudly, before Lily handed it to Melanie, who had finally tuned into the conversation. "Really?! There goes my good vibes, hey, at least you won't be alone in your room"

Lily shoved Melanie's shoulders lightly as she snatched back the letter, "we can avoid him the best we can't be that bad....oh but, Sirius and James are going to eat him alive.."

"We need someone who can keep those boys in check, we have Lily, but she's not enough" Melanie went on smartly, before she glanced over to who was currently scolding the pair. "We need Remus!"

Crystal fell face forward onto the table at her current situation, causing some attention to draw to her, but she couldn't care less at that moment in time.

"Oh Crystal" Lily sighed at the girl, "let's just remain on the positive things here, it's a big lodge, you probably won't have to see him much. Not like he'll want to hang out with us anyway"

"Yeah" Crystal sat back up slowly, nodding slightly at Lily's sentence. "You're right, we're going to have an amazing time. We can even do ice skating!"

"Oh Merlin" Melanie groaned, "I am rubbish at ice skating"

"Sirius can hold you up" Crystal teased as she finally began to eat, picking up a few boys to place them onto her plate for her to snack on, as she wasn't really hungry. "You can be all damsel like, 'Sirius! Help me!' "

Lily laughed until she suddenly stopped as someone stood behind Crystal, and she pointed behind Crystal, causing the girl to turn around.

"Help with what, crystal ball?" Sirius smirked above her, and Melanie scoffed opposite her as she looked down to her plate again.

"Sit down, we need to tell you what we're doing for Christmas" Crystal responded sharply, causing Sirius to send her a questioning look, before she dragged him down by his messy robes. "You too James, Remus"

The other two sat down immediately, not wanting to annoy the girl.

"We're going to my family lodge for the Christmas holidays, and we're also going to do secret Santa, but I'll let Lily explain that" Crystal stated, everyone turning to Lily for an explanation.

"Secret Santa is where you put all your names in a hat and pick one out, then you buy a present for that person, or make one...which ever you want" Lily quickly explained, the boys simply nodding along as they are some food.

"Also Evan Deaver is coming" Melanie cut in, causing the boys to drop whatever they were holding, they turned to Crystal, who was playing around with food on her plate.

"Don't be rude, her mum and dad invited him" Lily cut in, knowing now wasn't the best time to describe a forced marriage.

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