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The year just seemed to drag longer than any other one, and unlike all the tales she had been told about how the time flashes by as you have much fun in your high school years, creating many colourful and amazing memories with your friends and eve...

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The year just seemed to drag longer than any other one, and unlike all the tales she had been told about how the time flashes by as you have much fun in your high school years, creating many colourful and amazing memories with your friends and even family sometimes. It just didn't seem to be that case for Crystal Halass.

She felt trapped, and she never knew how to react as she went over it in her head, the fountain in her eyes had ran dry and she was running low on the magical cram that hid away the darkness of her skin—red and bruised from the many waterworks she had let out as they were no close to figuring out a way for her to get free.

And another threat had arisen, the nameless monster and his followers had been finally named—Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters.

The finger pointing was becoming more and more desperate as the days and death rate kept on going. Sirius seemed to be at the end of a lot of heat, but The Marauders easily had his back every time, even the trio of girls had fought back when they weren't busy within their own battles.

It seemed so dismal than the year before, the air was thick with all the tension and worry, and it wasn't all of their minds focusing on their end of year exams, even though it did add to the pile of problems.

"Fallen in love?" Crystal repeated back in a hushed tone as she was sat at the back of the library with Lily, their initials carved into the desk in front of them. "Andromeda fell in love with—"

"Yes, Ted Tonks" Lily nodded once again, "her family is going to disown her if they ever find out, they think muggleborns are...well, vermin" she gulped out silently as she leaned towards Crystal. "She has nowhere to go if it falls back on her, and she has no idea what to do"

"We can help" Crystal suddenly looked determined, she wanted to help Andromeda be with the love of her life, Crystal didn't get that option and she was lucky that she wasn't dragged away from a relationship—it was brave of Andromeda to pretend she's going along with the plans when she should be running over to hills and screaming about how in love she is at the top of her lungs. "We have to help her"

"And we will" Lily agreed quickly, "I'll speak to Dumbledore after I do a few rounds as head girl, maybe he'll have an idea on what to do, legally, she is of age to move away from her parents anyway"

Crystal quickly nodded her head along, "exactly, so she can't exactly be forced into anything if she hasn't done any sort of agreement, she has a way out of this all"

Lily smiles softly, "and we'll keep looking for you as well" the concern on Lily's face is hidden well, it had been on all of Crystal's friends faces, even a few of the teachers as well.

Crystal's mood was as obvious as a troll walking around in the bathrooms, not something that went unnoticed. So, naturally, the Marauders had gotten down to the bottom of it and were thinking of every way they could help out to. Making her laugh, making her eat, walking her to classes, keeping Evan Deaver away from her and been suggesting that they'll kidnap her if it comes down to it.

The worst part was how Crystal had to push down any former feelings she held for Remus, she didn't want him dragged into the middle of the mess that her life had managed to tangle itself up in. They had already threatened her father, so what would happen if they learned that her heart belonged to another person?

"Okay" is what Crystal responded with in a suddenly monotone voice.

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