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Crystal had jumped out of bed that day

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Crystal had jumped out of bed that day. She was filled to the brim with anticipation and she couldn't help but jitter around, wiggling and jumping. She even started to randomly smile.

She was going off to Hogwarts for her first year.

Most kids her age would've been worried about if they would make friends, what house they would be in or even some wondered if their dorm roommates were going to be cranky and take up space.

But, not for the young, petite brunette who was practically bouncing off each wall.

"Crystal!" Her mother had shouted from the bottom of the stairs, bringing a grin to Crystals face as she slammed shut her trunk that was fully ready for a house elf to take away.

"Coming mother!" She simply shouted back, before grabbing ahold of her backpack and running out into the blank and modern hallways and towards the stairs.

As she reached the stairs, she slowed down, knowing how her mother hated it when she ran in the house.

At the bottom of the stairs was stood two people, her parents, her father stood there with a lob sided grin as her mother examined her gesture.

"Beautiful as always" Her dad states with his signature smile, before giving his wife a nudge. "Like your mother"

Her mother cracked a small smile before pulling away from her husband and bringing her daughter into her arms.

"Remember dear, owl us with Pegs whenever you may" Her mother instructed, as she began to sort out the girls collars on the shirt she was wearing. "As well as making sure you study hard and eat properly, okay?"

"Yes mother" Crystal smiles up at the firm woman, who cracked another smile at her daughter being happy.

"Good" Her lips we're back into a straight line and she kissed the girls cheek before handing her off to her father.

"Alright, Crystal. House elves have sent your trunk to the train already, hold onto my arm and we'll apparate there" Her father said in his usual happy tone, as a house elf was grunting in the background.

Crystal took one last look of her home, the main white floors as well as the simple oak flooring, before she turned to her father with a nod.

She stepped forward and took ahold of his arm gently, and with a small 'whoosh' they disappeared from the house and landed on the platform.

Crystal opened her eyes and tried to shake off the queasy feeling she often got from apparation, and the sound of chatter and the trains steam whistle filled her ears.

Her father looked down proudly as he watched his daughter take in the scene, "I better go now Crystal, I have work soon and you know the ministry is very strict"

"Yes dad" she grinned, before they both eloped their arms together and joined in a small giggle.

When she pulled back they did their handshake really quickly before her father gestured her towards the large train, the Hogwarts Express.

She waved one last time and skipped up the train as she pasted other family's waving goodbye, and emotional parents crying for their children.

Her hand clenched onto her bag as she stopped her skipping and joined her new classmates on the train, shifting carefully as she tried to walk down the alleyway to find a compartment.

Most of the compartment were filled with people who were already friends, which began to make that loneliness settle in the bottom of Crystal's stomach.

She missed her father already.

She pushed aside the pit in her stomach and searched for a compartment with the least amount of people.

When she finally found one with only two kids, she slid open the door and gave a shot at her bravest smile.

"Excuse me?" She asked, causing the two heads to turn to her. "Do you mind if I sit in here? There are no seats anywhere, which is quite a bother, I don't mean to intrude..."

The ginger haired witch smiled before holding her hand out to the seat opposite her, and best to a black haired boy.

"Take a seat, please"

And with a nod, Crystal skipped over to the seat and sat down hastily.

"I'm Crystal Halass, pleasure you meet you" The brunette started, with one of her widest smiles.

Her mother often complained about how outgoing she was, and thought that at most times she should've kept her mouth shut, but her father often waved off her mother and encouraged Crystal to be whomever she wanted to be.

"I'm Lily Evans, I'm what you call a...Muggle born?" Lily has stuttered halfway through, scrunching her eyebrows as she tried to think of the word.

Crystals eyes widened as the boy in the compartment watched closely.

"I've always wanted to meet a muggleborn! I have many questions!" She exclaimed, and the boys eyes widened this time, while Lily let out a giggle.

"This is Severus, Severus Snape" Lily pointed out the black haired boy, who had been silent the whole time.

Crystal tilted her head to the side so she could get a view of the boy, and smiled when she caught his eyes. "Nice to meet you, Severus"

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