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Sneaking in to her own dorm was easy enough as most of her dorm mates were heavy sleepers, Melanie was even snoring out loudly that made Crystal have to cover her mouth as she had to try and not laugh.

She took a shower to wash off any reminders of the previous night, not forgetting about the smell of fire-whiskey and a strangely nice smell of some kind of fire place, it was warm and it smelt nice which Crystal found weird before she practically ripped Evan's top away from her body.

She then changed into her school uniform as she dried her hair with a quick swish of her wand, causing her short hair to show a mass of strange waves in all sorts of directions.

When she walked back into the dormitory, she quickly sprayed herself with some perfume that her mum had bought her during the summer before she shifted her covers and pillow around to make it look like she had just made it it messily.

"Oh Merlin, I hate mornings" She heard Melanie groan as the girl sat up and brush her hands against her eyes, Lily smiling at the girl as she was sat up in her bed too.

"Already dressed and prepared for the day?" Lily questioned with a smile, but Crystal just knew that she was being happy and polite as she usually was, it wasn't the first time that Crystal had woken up early.

"Well, I went for a walk by the lake and such, came back just in time for Melanie's snoring" She teased, and dodged the pillow that Melanie threw her way.

Crystal leaned down and lifted her bag up so it sat on her shoulder, Lily wandering off into the bathroom quickly, saying she already showered last night.

"Surprised that your not doing the walk of shame from James's room" Melanie spoke grumpily, as she walked into the bathroom behind Lily's, moments later a loud 'OW!' was heard that made Crystal laugh.

Alicia woke up sharply with a gasp as she heard the yelling, but Crystal quickly waved her off saying that Melanie had teased Lily, Alice just nodded in understanding before she woke up for the day.

"I was thinking, if we get to breakfast earlier, we get first pick on food" Lily smartly suggested as she walked spit of the bathroom, clad in her uniform as she had a happy smile resting on her face.

"You're awfully smiley" Melanie pointed out as she walked out afterwards, her tie still not done and her hair looking messy as her eyes were kind of dull from her tiredness.

"Cause she spent the night with James" Alice piped in, as she walked out of the bathroom, her brush in her hand as she smoothness her hair out, an innocent look pressed on her face as Lily mumbled something under her breathe.

"Right, let's go before she freaks out or something" Crystal said with a small grin written on her lips, her hand still holding onto her bag in anticipation, and Lily agreed with her quickly before the trio waved goodbye to Alice and made their way out of the dorm.

"So, where were you last night?" Melanie quizzed as she looked over at Crystal, who cursed under her breathe as she realised she had been caught.

"Okay, I got drunk and ended up....sleeping in the same bed as Evan" Crystal admitted slowly, and Lily squealed slightly as Melanie giggled at her for managing a whole other scale of being awkward.

"Did you kiss?" Lily fan-girled as she shook her hands in the air irrationally, causing Crystal to pull a face at her.

"No, we were drunk and we spoke before crashing, although...I don't remember how I got to his dorm" Crystal tried to recall, but shook her head as she couldn't remember.

"Maybe he carried you, it's not like he could go take you to your dorm, and I'm sure he didn't want to leave you asleep in the Gryffindor common room" Lily explained rather smartly, and Melanie groaned at how many words were being spoken.

"Shut up!"

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