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Chenle and Guang stand in the long narrow hallway that led to the front entrance of the castle. The hallway had dim lighting and it was decorated with vintage paintings of their great-relatives. They both stood on either side of the main doors used to enter the castle. They awaited upon their parents arrival, because they've been gone for a day.

Chenle stood respectfully but he was anything but excited.

He realized that now that his parents we back, he'd would have a lot less fun.

He missed running through the village and eating ramen.

Oh did he love eating ramen.

He ate his entire stock in one night and planned on buying some more today because the guards told Chenle his parent would be out for two days opposed to one. Imagine the displeasure on his face when he found out they were returning early.

Chenle's stressful thoughts made him unaware the hand that was rising up toward his mouth.

Once it reached, he placed the tip of his nail between his top and bottom teeth and began chew. He did this every time he was nervous, causing his nails to be jagged and uneven.

Guang walks across the tiny hall they stood in and slaps Chenle's hand away from his mouth. This makes Chenle reluctantly pull it down and stuff it into his pocket. They hear a bit of commotion outside the door and Guang walks back to his place.

The door opens to reveal the sight that Chenle has been dreading for multiple days.

"Hello." King Peng states.

"Hello." Chenle and Guang respond, bowing to him.

"Boys!" Their mom shouts in an enthusiastic voice.

She spreads her arms out, signaling the young princes to indulge in a hug. They glance at each other and run into their mother arms.

King Peng places both his hands behind his back as he slowly walks around the hall. He walks up to a window and slowly slides his finger down it.

"Hmf," He scuffs. "There's dust on this window. Shouldn't you guys have taken care of this."

Guang rolls his eyes and walks up to the window, wiping it clean with his sleeve folded over his hand.

"No, you're supposed to get the servants to do that. Why do you act like we're not royalty?" Peng scolds.

"People like you don't deserve to wear crowns." Chenle mumbles under his breath. His mom overhears him and giggles a little, giving him a smile and rubbing his shoulder in reassurance.

"What's so funny?" Peng ask glaring at his youngest son and his wife.

"Nothing." Howin quickly lets out. Chenle grows annoyed with the situation, not want to face his father much longer. 

"Can I be excused?" He ask, and before they could respond, he began walking away.

He walks up to his room and slams the door, turning around to look towards his bed.

There was an empty ramen cup laying on the floor at the foot of his bed.

He all of a suddenly, he started craving the cheap noodles, but he knew his father would never let him get some.

He once again chews on the tips of his finger nails, spitting out the excess keratin.

He knew it wasn't healthy but it was one of the only things that calmed him down and distracted him from the reality of things.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now