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Sunlight beams through the glass doors standing in-between Chenle's room and his porch. He rolls onto his stomach in defeat, shoving his face into a pillow to stop the glow from waking him.

As bad as he needs to use the bathroom, he can't push himself to strip his body of the limp state it has been stuck in.

The young prince had awoken hours ago and still hadn't left his bed even once.

He'd never felt this low, devastated over the disappearance of his puppy.

Another round of soft knocks are heard on his bedroom door, others in the castle constantly trying to speak with him since sunrise.

He uses all the energy he can garner up to respond.


I muffled gasp could be heard outside the door before the visitor speaks.

"Good morning Chenle! Are you hungry? I've brought you some lunch."

"I'm not hungry mom, but thanks for asking."

"Lele," Queen Howin places the tray she used to carry Chenle's breakfast on the ground next to her. "It's midday, you have to eat something."

Chenle remains quiet making his mother sigh.

"Would spending an hour in the village with Jisung make you feel better?"

Chenle hops out of bed, serotonin filling his body once he hears his best friends name.

He throws the door open. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Chenle ask before bending down and picking up a piece of toast off of the tray, taking a huge bite out of it.

Chenle skips down the hall, eager to exit the castle. He wears a bright smile on his face, ready to meet up with his best friend who is already near the village.

While he's skipping, he almost crashes into a familiar figure.

"Chenle? They finally got you out of your room, huh?" Jeno says.

"Yep, and I'm on my way to the village. Wanna join?" Chenle ask while running in place. He's moving around a lot due to his high amounts of energy, considering he hasn't used any yet today.

"Sure! I was heading there anyway. Youngie and I are supposed to meet up."

Chenle stops running. He gets a weird feeling in his chest, but he can't grasp what it is and decides to let it go.

"Alright! Come on, Jisung will be there any minute!"

Chenle and Jisung meet up and talk together on a random park bench while Jeno goes to pick up Youngie.

Jisung is wearing a white t-shirt with an open sky blue jacket on top, some blue jeans, and a backwards denim cap. Chenle, on the other hand is wearing a black shirt and a black hoodie-jacket that's only zipped up half way with the shoulders slightly off on top. He also has on black jeans.

Chenle sits with his back against the backrest and his left leg propped up so that he's knee is near his chest. He also had one arm behind him, shoulder drooped over the backrest.

Jisung sits normally with his legs in front of him and his hands in his lap. His torso is slightly turned to the right to face Chenle.

"So... did you hear abute what happened with Prince Renjun?" Chenle ask.

"About." Jisung corrects.


"It's about. You said abute."

"Jisung, I learned Korean years ago, I'm pretty sure I know how to say abute."

"No, you don't. Because it's pronounced about."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now