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Chenle strolls beside Youngie, ever-so-slightly drifting behind her since she knew where to go and he didn't.

The walk is quiet and a bit awkward, but soon they reach the gates of the park and Chenle decides to speak up.

The walk is quiet and a bit awkward, but soon they reach the gates of the park and Chenle decides to speak up

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He runs up to the gate and holds it open whiles bowing. "I'll get that for you M'lady."

"Why thank you dear Prince." She jokingly responds, doing a curtsy.

The two enter the park and glance around, not really knowing what to do.

Chenle spins around a few times to take in the view of the entire park.

No one else was there at the time, everyone stood in their front yards awaiting the King's passing.

"Wow, this is so cool! I haven't been to a playground in years." Chenle says in awe.

"I come here a lot with Jeno, but it's usually full so we can't play on anything."

"Well, now's your chance."

A huge smile spreads across Youngie's face. She looks at Chenle, making him as well, then turns towards the playset. She runs up the nearest staircase and across the set, all the way down to a slide.

Chenle chuckles and goes off to play on his own. He effortlessly swings across the money bars and hops down to makes his way towards Youngie.

"Race you to the swings?" Chenle challenges after approaching her.

"You're on." Youngie agrees, determination in her spirit.

Chenle holds out his hand. "On the count of 3."




Youngie and Chenle run full speed towards the swings.

Youngie gets there first, immediately jumping into the seat furthest left.

"I've actually never been on a swing before." Chenle admits.


"Yeah, but I've seen other people do it. I think I might know how... "

"You just push yourself back with you're feet and then lift you're legs as you glide forwards."

Chenle does as she says and rocks himself back and forth, getting higher off the ground which each push.

After awhile Chenle, starts swinging 4 feet off the ground. He screams hysterically in a loud, dolphin like, tone.

Youngie watches him as she softly sways, trying not moving too much.

"How do, I stop, moving!" Chenle yells. He paused between words, only speaking when he was directly next to Youngie.

"Just put your legs down, the more they scrape against the ground, the sooner you'll slow down." She explains.

In just a few second Chenle comes to a halt and looks at Youngie. She had her cheek pressed against her hand, which was wrapped around the chain holding up the swing.

"I just realized that our personalities are very different." Chenle speaks.

Youngie nods her head. "Yeah, even down to our swinging style you can spot our differences."

"How so?"

"Well, you like to go super high which shows you like a faster pace in life, you just kinda want to soar through it like you fly on the swing. It also shows you're a bit of an escapist which I can relate to. I, on the other hand, barely left the ground while swinging, showing I'm more cautious and enjoy the simple things."

"Is that all?"

"You're also very... loud." Youngie says with a giggle.

"And you're not, you're more soft spoken." Chenle replies, he sighs with a smile on his face. "We're very different."


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Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now