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It was 3 a.m. when Queen Howin and King Peng had slipped into their robes and made their way down stairs to the dining table. They sip on tea and Howin whispers to her husband about an idea that she'd recently had.

"I really think we should! Just think about it, more workers for us, and no bad blood with any of the villagers."

"But, doesn't she have a daughter? I don't need Chenle getting distracted while he's picking out a princess."

Howin gulps. She realized she'd have to stoop to his level just so her plan could work. 'It's for my son.' She reminds herself.

"Why would Chenle fall for a... a peasant."

"You're right my beautiful, non-peasant wife!" Peng yells out. He pushes his chair back so that he can stand up, but it causes the legs to make a loud screeching sound against the floor.

Howin slaps his arm and shushes him, making him sit back down.

"Tomorrow morning we will seek out to find cheap noodle lady! Oh, and her daughter too, then we can make them work in the castle!"

"Maybe just stop starting arguments with your father." Jeno shrugs.

"Maybe he should stop being a jerk." Chenle replies.

Jeno sighs. "You two will never get along, will you?"

The two boys sat on Chenle's porch, arguing about his father. The topic came up because it was Chenle's last day of being grounded and Jeno didn't want him to get grounded again.

"Anywho, are you going to invite Jisung over tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Aw, so does that mean I can't sneak out?"

"Chenle-" Jeno sighs. "Never change." He gives his friend a big eye smile.

Out of nowhere, a shout was heard.


"I think your mom is calling you." Jeno says.

"Thanks Jeno, I never would have know." Chenle rolls his eyes and leaves his room, making his way to find his mom.

Chenle finds his parents standing at the front door.

"We're going to step out for a moment. Tell Guang he's in charge." King Peng tells.

"Why can't I be in charge, huh? I mean I am future King." Chenle retorts.

"We don't have time for this today, I have to go talk with peasants."

"They're not peasants, dad."

"That's not what a King would say."

"Let's go Peng." Howin pleads. She turns back and waves goodbye to Chenle. "Bye baby, be good. I promise I'll have an awesome surprise for you when we get back."

Chenle happily waves at him mom. He looks towards his dad and scoffs before walking away.

"I'm not telling Guang anything." Chenle mumbles under his breath.

Chenle goes back up to his room and decides to call Youngie.

The phone rings for awhile, Chenle almost getting sent to voicemail before Youngie picks up on the last ring.

"Hey Chenle! Sorry I can't talk much right now, I'm... a little busy."

"Busy with what?" Chenle's curiosity got the best of him.

"Uh... talking with your dad."


Youngie and her mom spent the day in their house, sharing a relaxing time.

The house wasn't super small, but it was smaller than average which the two enjoyed. They found it super comfy.

Most of their furniture was a coffee brown and their walls a slightly off-white tan, giving it a nostalgic look.

Ms. Choi was knitting, planning to surprise her daughter with a beautiful sweater.

Youngie was dancing. Not really taking it seriously, just doing pirouette's in front of a mirror and laughing at herself.

Three loud knocks are heard at their front door, interrupting their peace.

The sudden sound shocked Youngie, causing her to lose her balance and slip backwards, falling onto her butt.

"I would tell you to get the door, but that seemed like a hard fall." Her mom jokes.

They both chuckle as Ms. Choi goes to answer the door.

"Hello? Oh, OH!" Ms. Choi gasp.

"Mom who is... it." Youngie ask as she gets up to see who's at the door.

Her eyes meet with King Peng's, immediately looking down to her feet after that.

'Oh no! He's probably mad at me for hanging out with Chenle, or worse! He knows about the books...'

Ms. Choi gets down on her knees, doing a full bow before inviting the royals in.

They walk past Youngie and she does a quick 90 degree bow.

Once they're behind her, her phone begins to ring.

"Hey Chenle! Sorry I can't talk much right now, I'm..." She looks back at King Peng sliding his finger over their fireplace mantel, then taking the liberty to sit on their couch. "...a little busy."

"Busy with what?" Chenle's ask in a curious tone. Did he really not know?

"Uh... talking with your dad."


"What are your parents doing at my house! Are they mad at me?"

"I- I don't know! I don't think so... "

"Ms. Youngie, can I speak with you?" Queen Howin ask. Youngie looks at the Queen then back to her phone.

"Oh no. If I die, tell Daegal I love her."

"Wait! Youngie don't-" But it was too late. She'd already hung up.

Youngie gulps as she slowly drags her legs to stand in front of Howin. She bows a few more times.

"Calm down, I don't bite." Howin pats the seat in-between her and Peng. "Please, take a seat."

Youngie glances at Peng who seemed to be using his pinky finger to pick something out of his teeth.

She nervously giggles before sitting.

Her mom enters the room with two large glasses of water and a plate of cookies.

"Please, have some snacks."

"Don't mind if I do!"

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now