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Another day arrives and a familiar knock is heard on Chenle's bedroom door.

He springs off his bed and rushes to open it. "Mom!"

"Chenle! I'm so proud of you!"

"You are? Why?"

His mother takes his hand and leads them to his bed, where they sit across from one another.

"I heard that the lessons went amazing yesterday! Assistant Kim told me that you mastered memorizing all the Kingdoms holidays, speaking with royal chairmen, and you even learned how to sort through villager request!" Queen Howin applauses.

"Yeah... I surprised myself with what I can do when I try." Chenle scratches the back of his head.

"So does that mean you're ready?"

"No, Mom. And I never will be. It's Guang's job to become King, not mine."

"Then who's going to watch over the Flower Kingdom?"

"I don't know! And I don't care."

Howin sighs.

"I can hear how stressful this is for you, so we can continue this conversation later. In the mean time, is there anything that you'd like to tell me about?"

Chenle thinks for a second.

"How about Jeno? I haven't seen you two together for a while."

"That's because we aren't talking right now."

"Oh... "

"But he has this friend. Well, I guess I could say she's my friend too now."

"She?" Howin ask, getting a little more excited and invested.

"Yeah, her and Jeno became friends while growing up. Oh wait, you've met her before! She was selling noodles with her mom that one time we walked through the village. I had left to hang out with her and we went to the park. It was first time in years and I had so much fun on the swings. We talked about how different village life was from royal life and how much our personalities contrasted." Chenle rants.

"Aww, a Prince and a village girl. I've heard this fairytale before."

"Mom! We're just friends."

"Oh fine." She scoffs, "Anyhow, should I bring Jeno here so that you can make up with him?"

"Uh... "

"Come on Chenle, he's one of your only friends."

"I'll still have Jisung, Youngie, and Renjun."

"Three. You have three. I'll go get him."

Chenle saw no point in arguing with his mom, plus he truly did want to make up with Jeno, so he waited.

Six knocks are heard and immediately after, the door is opened.

"Hey." Jeno mumbles.

"Hey." Chenle replies in the same tone.

"I- I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Jeno, you should be sorry."

"What the- hey!" Jeno argues. Chenle starts laughing and Jeno chuckles along with him.

"In all seriousness, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you go alone to take all of Youngie's books outside. For some reason, I just kinda wanted to spend time alone with her... "

"I get it, Youngie's really cool."

"Yeah... cool... "

"Anyways, I forgive you."

"So does that mean we can all hang out together again? Maybe even with Jisung?"

"I'd love too, but Youngie's still a little upset with me. She said she not, but I know she is. I feel so bad. I shouldn't have made her feel like a burden."

"Maybe I could talk to her?" Chenle offers. Jeno gives him a confused look. "You know like, be her opposite point of view."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now