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"Have you told anyone?" Youngie ask, concern coating her voice.

"Just Renjun, although I think I might have to tell Jisung soon." Chenle responds.

"What about Jeno?"

"Hmm, I could but he's always in the castle, if he brings it up at the wrong time people might hear."

Youngie and Chenle are currently in his room. They're discussing how to keep their relationship a secret since they realized Chenle's dad finding out wouldn't be the best idea. Chenle is sitting in a chair near a window on the right side of his room while Youngie is laying on her back ontop of his bed. Daegal is lying right next to her, clawing at the air. Chenle looks at this and becomes sulky.

"Daegal, come to bàba." Daegal sits up to look at Chenle before climbing on top of Youngie and laying back down. "It's not fair. I literally adopted you, how could you like her more than me?"

Youngie chuckles. "What can I say, I'm just very likeable."

Chenle snickers before pushing himself up off his seat. He slowly makes his way towards the bed, a smug look on his face when he leans over her, casting a shadow onto her face.

"Yeah, you are." Chenle takes her hand and lifts her up from the bed. They're now standing in front of one another as Chenle's hand makes its way to her waist.

He slowly pulls her closer, about to kiss her when-

"Hey Chenle, have you seen... " The Queen pauses mid-sentence.

"M- Mom!" Chenle's eyes expand as he slightly backs away from Youngie.

"Hey Howin, why'd you sc- Youngie!"

"Mom! Didn't you say you weren't coming to the castle today?"

"Didn't you say you were going to the store with Jeno!"

"We should all just calm down-" Chenle begins, but gets cut off.

"Calm? Why were your hands on Youngie!" Howin yells.

"His hands were where!" Ms. Choi snaps, stopping herself from going after the younger boy.

"Mom... "

"Chenle, be honest with me." Howin interrupts Youngie. "What's going on here?"

"I- " Chenle glances towards Youngie, then back at his mom. "We're dating, and I know you don't want us to but-"

"Oh Chenle, it's not that I don't want you to be together, in fact, me and Ms. Choi are huge fans of your friendship, or relationship, or what ever. It's just,"

"We can't because of Redamancy's royal rules." Youngie sighs.

Chenle watches as his mom nods her head. "That's not fair! I'm going to be King soon, shouldn't I be able to do what I choose?"

"That's not how it works. A King can't just kill a bunch of people and get away with it because he's King. These rules have been around for years, and one of the biggest ones is that Royalty is only allowed to date and marry other royals."

Tears begin to form in Youngie's eyes. Was this it? Was a rule written hundreds of years ago going to take away their love? She'd known before it started it wouldn't work, but she just couldn't stop falling for Chenle, nor could he stop falling for her.

"I want you two to be together, I want you to be happy, but I need my daughter to be safe. We have to avoid people coming after her for dating a royal." Ms. Choi explains.

Chenle notices the sad expression on Youngie's face and intertwines their hands, rubbing his thumb across hers.

"The only reason I didn't want you two to dance at the ball, the only reason we've been trying to prevent your relationship is because of all this." Howin admits.

"Well it didn't work. I like Youngie, I'm dating Youngie and I'm not going to let her go." Chenle pauses, "What can we do? I'll do anything other than breakup."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now