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"H -Hi." The timid girl greets.

"Oh, hi!" Chenle chirps, giving a small smile. "Wait, Jeno! While you're with her... " Chenle pauses for a second, brings the phone closer to his mouth, and whispers. "While you're with her, can you ask for some more ramen?"

Jeno laughs.

"Yeah, I'll bring you some. See you soon!" And he hangs up.

Chenle's arms drops to his sides as he places his phone in his pocket. He sighs and looks at his feet while standing still.

"They must be good friends, huh Daegal?" Chenle sighs. "I don't have many friends. I never have much chances to talk with anyone outside the castle, and everyone here just wants to be formal all the time. I have a best friend, his name is Jisung, but he lives many kingdoms away... "

Chenle shifts his view towards the dog and lifts her up.

"It's nice to have someone to talk to." Chenle chuckles, giving Daegal a peck on the head.

Chenle gets out of his feelings and decides to distract himself from the sad reality.

"CHENLEEEEE! ZHONG CHENLE!" Chenle hears his dad shout, accompanied by loud stomping that's gradually getting closer.

"I'm in here!" Chenle yells in response.

King Peng bust open Jeno's door and meets eyes with his son who is standing in the middle of the room.

He then looks down to meet eyes with the tiny puppy looking back up at him.

"What are you doing in here? You look sad and lonely." King Peng bluntly states.

Chenle rolls his eyes. "As if you cared."

"Oh... I'm not good with all this 'teen emotional stuff'. How about you uh... roam around the village?" The King shrugs.

"Really?" Chenle perks up.

"Yeah, but you only have-" But Chenle was already halfway down the hall with Daegal in his arms. "...20 minutes."

Chenle runs with adrenaline filling his body to the rim. He was so excited to go back into the village.

He runs all the way to the entrance and opens the door with as much force as possible, making the 100 pound door open with ease.

To his surprise, Jeno stood silently on the other side, waiting to open it himself.

"Y- You're back?" Chenle lets out with a sad undertone to his voice.

"Yeah! Is that a puppy?" Jeno ask pointing to Daegal who sat in Chenle's arms like a baby. He reached out to pet her, but Chenle turns his body to where he couldn't.

"Yes, but changing the subject, you have to go back out!" Chenle whines.

"I can't, it's cold and I'm tired." Jeno replies, reaching behind himself. "But hey, on the bright-side, I got the noodles you asked for!"

Chenle sighs and put his back against a wall, sliding down into a sitting position. "Fine, there's no point in going out if you're not going to be there."

"I'm sorry. Maybe next time, right?"

"Do you even know my dad? There won't be a next time."

"Oh, yeah... " Jeno states awkwardly. "Ramen?" He ask holding up the cup and shaking it.

Chenle rolls his eyes and smiles while standing up, taking the cup from Jeno.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now