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"And here's where we eat, and here's where all the workers spend their free time... " King Zhong lazily explains, undesired to give the Choi's a tour.

"Is that the library?" Ms. Choi ask, pointing at the huge room they'd just passed.

"Yes, it is." Queen Howin replies.

Youngie's mom nudges her shoulder. "This would probably be your favorite room, huh?"

Youngie chuckles and nods her head.

"Ugh, must I be the one to give this tour? Don't we have servants or something?" Peng complains.

"You're so immature." Howin says back.

"No I'm not." He whines, stomping off who knows where.

Howin sighs. "I'm sure you two will figure everything out after working here for awhile. If you ever need help locating anything, don't be afraid to ask."

"Alright!" Youngie responds.

"Hey mom, can I invite Jisung over?" Chenle buds in to ask.

"Sure, just stay inside the castle please. Ms. Choi, would you like to chat over tea?"

"I would love nothing more, be good Youngie." And with that, the mothers were off.

Chenle faces Youngie and Jeno. "I'll go call Jisung, you guys wait here."

After about an hour, Jisung text his best friend that he's only a few minute away.

Chenle makes Youngie and Jeno stand just outside the gatehouse with him as they await Jisung's arrival. The only problem is that it was a very hot day.

"Can't we do this inside?" Jeno begs, fanning himself.

"No, he's almost here." Chenle assures.

Just then, a horse and carriage pulls up carrying the Royal Park family.

Guard Taeyong lets down the drawbridge while the Park family leaves their carriage.

"Jisung!" Chenle shouts running up to the taller boy.

"Chenle!" The two engulf each other in a big hug and Chenle steps back to see Jisung's parents.

"Hello Chenle, how are you doing?" King Park ask.

"I'm doing great!"

Queen Park directs her attention to the two people standing in the opening of the gatehouse.

"Chenle, is that the princess you've chosen?" She ask, pointing at Youngie. This statement causes both Youngie and Chenle's eyes to expand in shock.

"No, she's just a friend." Jeno quickly clears up.

"Oh, my bad. Well you are a very beautiful young lady."

Youngie becomes flustered and bows.

"My mom is probably in the side garden drinking tea if you'd like to say hi." Chenle tells Jisung's parents. They nod their heads and walk off that way.

"Side garden?" Youngie questions in whisper, leaning towards to Jeno.

"Yeah. This is the front garden," Jeno says, pointing to the area in front of them. From the front doors to the large walls that protect the palace, there's a flat area of grass with a few bushes. "The side garden is to the right, that's the one filled with flowers, and we have a couple of fruit trees and veggies growing out back."

Youngie was amazed until the realization hit her that it was a castle after all.

"Come on, we should all go hang out in the North-West Tower!" Jisung shouts.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now