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Youngie feels a slight nudge on her leg, causing her to direct her attention towards the ground.

She meets eyes with a tiny fur ball, who continues to softly rubs their head against her leg.

"Aww! Who's this cutie?" Youngie coos as she bends down to lift up the dog.

"Oh. That's my new puppy, Daegal. She's really sweet."  Chenle shares.

"She's so adorable!" Youngie pouts. She begins to play with the pup, shaking her paw and pretending to kiss her nose.

Chenle quietly watched, admiring the two. His new friend holding his favorite pet. Why did he find this sight so, cute?

Because of Daegal of course, unless... he couldn't help but feel some way as he saw how brightly Youngie smiled while playing with the small dog.

Before Chenle could sort out his thoughts, a knock was heard from outside his bedroom door.

Both Chenle and Youngie turn their heads to that direction.

"It's Jeno. He always does exactly six knocks."

"Oh, I'll get it!" Youngie pipes up. She carefully places Daegal into Chenle's arms and hurries towards the door.

"Hey guys." Jeno says when Youngie opens the door.

"Hey, did you get all the books outside?" Chenle ask.

"Yeah, and Youngie," He says turning to face the younger girl. "I think it's about time to go."

"Aww, but I don't want to go, there's still so much to explore!" Youngie beams.

"Yeah, I don't want her- I mean both of you to go either." Chenle argues.

"Whatever happened to not getting caught by your dad? Plus once she leaves, you promised we'd play video games." Jeno tells.

"Wait! Can't we play video games with her?" Chenle offers.

"Youngie doesn't like video games." Jeno says.

"Hey! That's not true! I didn't say I don't like them, I'm just not that good at them... "

"Really? I'm great at videos games!" Chenle brags.

Youngie chuckles. "Of course you are." She says sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it, you two are complete opposites and a perfect match." Jeno rolls his eyes.

Chenle turns back to Youngie. "Maybe I could teach you a thing or two about video games."

"Or, maybe I could walk you home so I can finally be done with you!" Jeno snaps.

"Oh. Am I that much of a burden?" Youngie ask. Her tone of voice sounding a bit off.

"No, no, I didn't mean it like th-"

"No, you're probably right. My mom probably needs me anyway." Youngie puts on a fake smile as she quickly runs her fingers through her hair. "Come on, let's go."

She rushes out the door.

"Great job." Chenle glares at Jeno.

"I didn't mean t-"

"Please just make sure she gets home safe. I'll just go back to being alone for the next few days." Chenle .

"Are you kidding? You can't possible both be mad at me. I was the one who did your dirty work while you hung out together." Jeno nags.

"I- just go away!" Chenle yells.

"Chill with the shouting, you're starting to sound exactly like you're dad!" Jeno pauses. He immediately realized it was wrong once he finished talking.

"Get. Out." Chenle growls.

Jeno only took one step out of the door before Chenle slammed it in his face.

Jeno sighed and went to go find Youngie.

Chenle lays with his arms and legs spread across the ground. He stares up at his roof.

"Am I turning into... him?" He questions himself.

Daegal runs up and licks Chenle's cheek.

"Yeah, you're right! Thanks girl." Chenle says, smiling and scratching Daegal's head.

All of a suddenly, his phone began ring.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now