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"Chenle, come to the Studio, now. And bring your parents." Mrs. Lee says, shortly hanging up afterwards.

Chenle puts his phone back into his pocket and looks at his parents.

"They're about to open up the gates and let our guest into the ballroom." Peng asserts.

"Yeah, but shouldn't we be the first to see Chenle in his suit?" Howin cheers, a completely different tone then what she'd used just minute ago.

"Fine, let's go."

The three of them walk until they're in front of Studio. Once they enter, Chenle looks around but becomes disappointed when he doesn't see Youngie.

"Okay Chenle, put it on." Mrs. Lee commands.

Chenle wears his same outfit from earlier, crown and all.

"My oh my, you look so good Lele!" Howin exclaims, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"My son." Peng states, placing a hand on Chenle's shoulder. He felt such a strong sense of pride.

Chenle had to admit, he really enjoyed having his parents act like this, even after the whole ordeal just a few minutes ago.

"Don't get too excited just yet. Youngie, come out!" Mrs. Lee shouts.

Chenle grows confused. He looks all around, but nothing makes sense until he turns, back facing his parents, and sees movement coming from Mrs. Lee's closet.

The door slowly opened to reveal a shorter silhouette.

She had her hands clasped together in front of her as she slowly walks forward, trying not trip due to her shoes.

Her hair was pinned up into high bun and she wore a small silver crown to top it. She also wore matching silver wedges.

 She also wore matching silver wedges

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(Her dress)

The prince's jaw dropped the second he saw her.

Chenle had never found someone so beautiful throughout his entire life.

He wanted so badly to say something, but his breath was completely taken away.

Youngie felt timorous with all of their eyes on her. Especially considering how she currently perceived Queen Howin. Someone she'd admired and trusted so much had spoken harshly to her this morning. What would her mom think? Howin and Mrs. Choi had recently become like best friends.

"Youngie, you look gorgeous." Howin compliments. Both Chenle and Youngie scoff at the audacity, but Youngie still chooses to be the bigger person.

"Thanks Queen Howin, as do you." She bows.

"You- You have to let me dance with her." Chenle blurts.

"What?" Everyone else ask in sync.

"I want Youngie to be my first dance, you have to let her be my first dance."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now