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"Chenle, it's time to get ready! It's going to be a big night!" King Peng shouts while pounding the wall next to his son's room.

Peng glares at the entrance, trying to think of a way to get in. Then it hits him. He begins rummaging through his pocket, only a few seconds prior to pulling out a tiny silver key.

He shoves the gadget into the doorknob, turning it and then throwing the door wide open. Completely disregarding his son's privacy.

Peng steps inside and looks around left and right. He stops when he sees Chenle's bed, the covers disheveled and Chenle nowhere to be found.

Peng spins around, catching sight of Chenle's balcony. The doors were left wide open.

"A balcony escape? Zhong Chenle!"

"Yeah?" His son murmurs. Peng turns his head to see Chenle walking in from the hallway, looking back and forth between the door and his father. "Didn't I lock this before going to the bathroom? How did you get in here?"

"Bathroom? But I thought you- nevermind that. Big day Chenle, tonight is the ball!"

"But I don't wanna." Chenle whines. To say he didn't arrange a small plan to plunge out the window and run away would be a lie, but he stopped himself after hearing Youngie's words replay in his mind. 'Just try to have some fun.'

He couldn't fight because there was no use. No matter how many unwanted things he'd tried to get out of, it would always end in disappointment. He'd just try to have fun, for Youngie.

Chenle wished the girl could be at the ball with him, but they sadly only allowed certain staffs to attend. At least Ms. Choi would be there, she was one of Chenle's favorite staff. He liked her because she didn't treat him like a prince, she treated him like a normal person.

The young boy makes his way towards Mrs. Lee's Sewing Studio, retrieving his suit for the night.

"Hello Misses Jeno's mom!" Chenle greets, walking into the room without warning.

"Hello Sir Chenle," Mrs. Lee giggles. "Haven't your parents taught you anything about manners, especially knocking?"

"Wait, what was that word you just said?"


"No, before that."


Chenle face palms. "Dang it, now I owe Jisung 126,640 won ($100 USD). Anywho, my dad broke into my room earlier so, I don't think he cares much for knocking."

"Whatever Chenle, pick up the folding screen and try this on." Ms. Lee jokingly rolls her eyes and hands him an outfit.

"Woah," Chenle holds out the clothes in front of him, looking them up and down. "This looks awesome Ms. Lee!"

"Aw, thanks Chenle! I know how special tonight is. Now hurry, put it on."


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Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now