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A brisk breeze blows in through the curtain that stood between Chenle's room and his balcony. The cold hits his skin causing him goosebumps and making him crinkle his nose. Slowly sits up, pushing the blankets back enough to reveal his knees. His fluffy, dark brown hair covered his eyes before he pushed it back and rubs them. 

Two soft knocks are heard from the other side of as Chenle's bed room door.

"Prince Chenle, you're needed in the side garden in about 10 minutes." One of Chenle's maids says.

He mumbles out "okay" in a deep voice and drags himself out of bed.

He slides his feet across the ground, all the way to the balcony. He pushes the curtains aside and closes the doors, walking back to his bed. He drops face-first into his mattress, only moments away from falling back asleep.

He lifts his head once more, forcing himself up before his father could scold him.

He puts on proper clothes and makes his way to the garden.

When he gets outside, he sees one of their many servants sitting on a bench.

"Hello Sir Chenle." She speaks.

"Hello Miss, I was sent here for something?"

"Oh yes, we have a gift for you!"

Chenle tilts his head, confused at what the gift may be.

"Take a seat, it should be arriving here any minute." The lady pats the seat next to her.

Chenle sits down, awkwardly swaying back and forth.

Soon another servant walks out holding an expensive looking pet carrier.

Chenle's eyes widen, excited for what might be inside.

The male servant places the pet carrier onto the ground and opens it, revealing a really tiny and fluffy dog.

"This, is Daegal. She is a 3 month old bichon sent from... " The servant looks down at a note that was attached to the pet carrier. "King and Queen Park."

"Jisung's parents!" Chenle gasp, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Prince Jisung." The female servant corrects.

"Yeah, yeah, prince or whatever. Give me Daegal!"

Chenle bends down and picks up the small dog, cradling it in his arms like a baby.

Chenle bends down and picks up the small dog, cradling it in his arms like a baby

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He makes kissy faces towards her and she licks his cheek.

"I love it! Please send the Park family my gratitude." Chenle says.

"Would you like to send anything back?" The servant questions.

"Uh... just let my dad take care of it." Chenle replies, running away with Daegal in his arms.

Chenle runs down the main hall and up the stairs, looking to find Jeno.

"Jeno! Jeno!" He shouts. He runs up to Jeno's door and barges in without knocking. "Jeno you'll never guess what I- Jeno?"

Jeno was nowhere to be seen.

Chenle tries to video call Jeno, placing Daegal down then pacing back and forth waiting for an answer.

Jeno picks up and his face spreads across the screen.


"Jeno! Jeno! You'll never guess what I got!"

"Chenle, I can't talk right now, can you wait until I get back home."

"But- who's that?" Chenle ask referring to the person standing next to Jeno who was just barely on his screen.

"O- Oh, hello Prince Chenle." A girl speaks in a small voice.

Chenle contemplates for a second on who it could be.


Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now