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"Pedal faster Chenle!"

"I'm trying but I'm tried!"

"You can't be tried already, us Kings need to stay in good shape! Must I show you my abs again?"

"Please keep your shirt on dad!"

Chenle and his father spend the entire afternoon biking through the village.

King Peng often did this as a form of working out. He always offered his sons to join him, to which they constantly decline.

Right before Peng left for cycling, he realized that the only form of exercise Chenle received was his ballroom dance lessons, so he decided to force him to come along.

"Dad can we please stop for one minute!"

"Just two more miles, then we can take a break!"

Chenle groans as he continue pedaling.

They eventually stop in front of a tiny convenient store. It was surrounded by other shops and stores on either side of it and even more directly across the main path, which people called a street but it was actually just a dirt pathway that goes through the entire town.

Many people walk happily down the sidewalk, some smelling the flowers from the cute flower shop while children running around and laughing with each other.

Chenle's back and forehead were covered in sweat as he huffed loudly to catch his breath.

"I'm going to go poop. You wait right out here." King Peng says before entering the story.

"TMI dad!" Chenle yells, rolling his eyes and turning around to face opposite of the store.

"Chenle?" A small voice is heard.

He turns his head slightly to the right and meets eyes with Youngie.

"Oh, hey Youngie!"

She was wearing a white floral dress that stopped just at her knees. A red ribbon was strung around the back of her head and tied in a bow at the top, holding her hair back and revealing her ears. She also held up a small picnic basket with the wrist of her right hand.

She skipped towards Chenle, opening her free arm to prepare to give him a side hug. Chenle planned to reciprocate by lifting his arm, but the second he did...

"WOAH! You smell... um...well, "

"Oops, heh." He put his arm back down. "I don't usually smell like this by the way!"

"Yeah, I can tell since you're drenched in sweat right now." Youngie laughs it off.

"Sorry, I was just working out with my dad."

"Oh, well I don't want to get in your way so,"

"You're not getting in the way at all. Y'know, you shouldn't think like that." The realization soon hit Chenle. "Hey, have you by any chance made up with Jeno yet?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Why, did he say otherwise?"

"D- Do you always think of yourself this way?" Chenle questions in a soft voice. He wanted Youngie to feel like she could trust him so he tried to sound gentle.

"I... Chenle watch out!"

"Oh no, you're not going to avoid thi-" Youngie immediately grabs Chenle's arm and pulls him towards her. He trips up onto the sidewalk but stumbles back to his feet before he could fall on his face.

He turns around, his arm still in Youngie's hand. They watch as a horse speeds past right where Chenle used to be standing.

"You- You just... "

Youngie looks to her feet and mumbles something before looking back up at Chenle.

"What did you say?"

Just then, Chenle gets cut off by his dad exiting the store.

"Ahh, that felt good. Chenle, who's this?"

"Uh... " Chenle utters, looking back and forth between his dad and Youngie. "She's my friend."

"Oh, well nice to m-"

"Nice to meet you too, enjoy the rest of your workout. See you later friend." Youngie waves to Chenle and his dad before quickly walking off.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now