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The eliminations end with Princess Food & Princess Organization being, well eliminated. This leaves Princess Community & Princess Freedoms as the final two contenders.

As promised, the second everything ends Chenle runs out of the room to find Youngie. They both head towards the library and enjoy a night of story telling and ramen cups.

After all that Chenle walks her back home then returns to the castle and falls asleep.

In current time, it's 11:00 a.m. and Chenle is only just getting up out of bed.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Chenle open up." Peng demands.

Chenle rolls his eyes, making his way towards the door.

"Yes father?"

"Come, follow me. We need to talk about something."

Chenle sighs, slipping into something suitable before following after his dad.

They sit down in Queen Howin's favorite place in the entire castle, the side garden.

They sit down in Queen Howin's favorite place in the entire castle, the side garden

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"So, I'm just going to rant, no pauses." Peng says.

"Like you always do." Chenle sasses.

Peng resist the urge to yell at his son and returns to his earlier intention.

(Note: Their Kingdom has a Hereditary Monarchy which means the King can quit the throne before he dies) Anywho.

"Chenle, while we were at battle with that other Kingdom I realized something... I could've died." Peng breaks out laughing, but soon stops. "I know the only reason you want me alive is so that you don't have to become King, but I'm afraid if I do pass away, you won't be ready. So I'm doing the only logical thing and stepping down from the throne."

"What!?" Chenle shrieks.

"The only way you'll be ready is if I make sure of it, so in a month, after extensive weeks of training, I will step down and you will become the King of Redamancy. I would wait until I die, but the people are beginning to HATE me. With me still in power we could face another attack and I don't want that." He chuckles.

"Dad, I'm not ready to be King yet, really I-"

"You have no choice. It's time Redamancy meets a new dawn, no matter how good or bad that may be. Everyone agrees that you'd take better care of the village and maybe I've let power get to my head. Also, me and your mom need a vacation."

Chenle has to think. He didn't feel ready, but then again, could you ever? Although he would make a better King than his corrupt father, could he handle all that? Was he mature enough yet? Wait, Peng isn't mature at all. Chenle realizes that the best thing about being at the top of a Kingdom, is that what ever happens with the Kingdom is his decision.

The villagers deserve more personal rights and Chenle could be the only one to give it to them. He probably won't abolish the Royal stance, but he'll definitely let the villagers have more freedoms than they've ever had in the history of Redamancy.

While a huge risk, Chenle could only see things being better if they're no longer in the hands of his father. Maybe they wouldn't be best in Chenle's hands alone, but with the help of his friends, his mother, Lily & Guang, his girlfriend... Redamancy's full potential could be met.

It was his time. There's no fighting it anymore.

"Okay. I'll become King, but on one condition. You have to let me be with Youngie."

"But, she's not a prin-"

"I don't care! Mom doesn't care, the villagers don't care, the only person who cares IS YOU!" Chenle sighs. "I- Dad she means so much to me-"



"Fine. I'm King. I'll change the rules so that you can date your peas-" Peng stops upon seeing the glare in Chenle's eyes. "Village girl."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now