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The day following the war has been pronounced, 'Victory over Garden Day!' And it was definitely something to go down in the history books.

While a group of workers spend the day cleaning the small damaged area in front of the castle, King Peng and all of the village folk decide to hold a festival in the village.

The festival is filled with food, conversation, and even little party games like 'Pin the sword in the Garden King's chest.' Some people even took it too far by burning down their own gardens, inspired by the enemy's unfortunately basic name.

Peng had taken all the credit for their win, so the villagers unknowingly only celebrate him. The rest of the people who had fought in the battle stayed in the castle, or in Youngie and Ms. Choi's case, stayed at home.

Chenle and Howin choose to ignore Peng and spend the day enjoying some peace. They sit across from one another, sharing a pot of tea in the dining room.

Howin takes a lengthy sip of her tea, flashing her son a look of endearment.

Chenle smiles back before lifting his own cup. He gives a soft blow and watches as the steam emitting from the hot beverage flies away.

He too sips, but his drink ends up being more heated that his mother's. He spits out the liquid directly upon contact with his tongue.

"Are, are you okay?" Howin questions, worriedly looking down into her own glass.

"Yeah, fine." Chenle assures. "I'll clean it." He excuses himself from the table and enters the kitchen to find some paper towels.

When he comes back, he begins wiping up his spill, but suddenly pauses and lets out a gasp.

"Chenle is something wrong?" Howin ask, growing very concerned.

He stays quiet, not knowing whether to expose the reason for his exclamation or not.

The truth is, when Chenle left he had taken a moment to think, something he didn't often due.

While in thought, he'd come to a realization.

"Oh no, did I actually say that? Oh my gosh I'm such an idiot! What if she knows?"

"Zhong Chenle! What are you on about?" His mother finally snaps.

"I... I accidentally confessed to Youngie. We were having a moment and I might have mentioned that I think she's perfect. I'm also pretty sure the words 'I like you' escaped my mouth! I wasn't planning on confessing yet, I had this whole scenario where after the final princess elimination I'd-"

 "Chenle. You know I like Youngie just as much as you but, you can't be with her... "

Chenle felt extremely heartbroken at the words of his mother. He had liked Youngie so much and thought if there was anyone he could share this with, it'd be his mom. He wasn't ready to give up on Youngie, he just couldn't. All his sadness is soon replaced with a newly found confidence.

His frown slowly shapes into a smirk as the words, "Watch me." Leave his lips.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now