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Howin grabs Chenle's arm and he grasp Youngie's hand. The Queen leads them into a small area under a stone bridge.

They all crouch, Chenle and Youngie standing side by side with their hands still connected as Howin releases Chenle's hand and steps in front of them.

"Okay," Howin sighs, out of breath from the run. "I'm heading directly into the village to find some people I can help, Youngie I advise you do the same."

Youngie and Chenle slowly turn to face one another, then turn back to Howin.

"Chenle, you should go back to help your father and the guards, just promise me you'll stay safe, okay?" Howin lets out.

"I promise mom, I've got this. It's for the Kingdom." His mother places both of her hands on his shoulders and lays a kiss on his forehead.

"I have a few choice words for your father after this predicament. How could this jerk put us all in danger... " Howin's voice drifts as she walks away.

Chenle looks at Youngie. "I guess you should get going now. I- I can walk you to the entrance of the village if you want?"

"No thanks, I think I can handle myse-" But before Youngie could finish, a random man runs up with a sword in hand. Chenle waste no time to pull out his shield and block the swing. After buying himself time to grab his own sword, Chenle drops the shield, pressing his blade against the rival's. He uses all of his strength to slowly edge the blades closer to the mans face.

"Youngie, take cover! I'll take care of-" Youngie ignores Chenle and takes off to her left, one foot after the other, not even needing to stop to reach into her quiver. She quickly loads her bow, pulling the string back as far as she can.

She instantly ceases her movement, boots sliding against the dirt, making it cloud at her ankles. She adjusts her stance and closes one eye, aiming the bow directly at the man fighting Chenle.

Youngie repositions the bow towards his right foot and releases, watching the arrow pierce through his shoe. The man drops his sword and wails out in pain.

Chenle takes a couple steps back from the injured man and shouts, "Nevermind!" Due to their newly found distance.

Youngie chuckles before jogging back to Chenle, checking her surroundings to make sure no other people were targeting them.

"Forget me trying to protect you, Youngie that was awesome!"

"Thanks Chenle, but stuff like this is happening everywhere. I should get to helping the villagers and you should go back to fight at the castle. Just... please come back in one piece. I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt."

"Wow, you just did the coolest thing I've EVER seen, yet you only care about me and other people... "

"Huh?" Youngie focuses her gaze on Chenle and tilts her head.

"You're so selfless and kind! You care so much about the people you love and even strangers. How could someone not like you, you're like the perfect human!" Chenle glances down and mumbles these next few words. "No wonder I have feelings for you."

Youngie quickly looks away, taken aback by his words. Did he truly mean what he'd said, had Chenle just confessed?

Before Youngie could sort out her thoughts, a yell is heard.

"Chenle, look out!" Taeyong yells. Chenle grabs Youngie and pulls her out of the way as a sledge hammer flies past where they used to be standing.

They both slowly stand up and Youngie stares at Chenle as he looks to Taeyong.

"Okay, I have to go now. Be safe Youngie, I'll see you soon!" And with that, he's gone for the rest of the battle.

Youngie and Howin successfully escort all the stranded villagers far away from the battlegrounds, Youngie constantly avoiding Howin's eyes since all she could think about was the Queen's son.

An hour into the fight and the Garden Kingdom surrenders, them not thinking Redamancy would put up such a fight, so they weren't prepared for it to last as long as it did.

Of course, the small war hadn't ended without a quip like, "We'll be back." from King Garden, but once the enemy was gone, all the guards celebrate their victory.

There was a small amount of people hurt, but thankfully no deaths. Redamancy had won their first war under the Zhong family.

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