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Chenle runs forward at full speed, the wind in his hair. He has never felt so alive.

It reminds him off the times he would hurry to get home before his father could notice he'd snuck out to the village. It's sad to think that he'll never experience it again, but maybe that is for the better.

He sees his girlfriend in the village, leaning against a bread stand while talking to Jeno.

He walks up behind her and covers her eyes.

"Guess who." Chenle whispers.

"King Peng?" Youngie jokes.

"Nope, even better. King Chenle."

Youngie chuckles, turning around to face him.

"You'll fit that name one day."

"Yeah, and maybe sooner than you think. I have to tell you something."

"Can I hear it too?" Jeno buds in.

"Depends. How long do you think it'll take Renjun and Jisung to get to Redamancy?"

After a few hours, the small group of friends is gathered in the empty Throne Room.

Both Prince Renjun and Jisung had arrived from their neighboring Kingdom's just in time.

Chenle takes a seat on the throne as a hint towards his announcement.

"Alright. I'm just going to say it straight up. I'm going to become King within the next two months."

Renjun burst out laughing, Jeno soon following.

"Oh boy, that was a good joke Chenle. Now why are we really here?" Renjun says while wiping away a fake tear.

"I'm telling the truth. My dad went on this long rant about getting assassinated and how I wouldn't be ready to take over the Kingdom, so he's giving me a month of training before he resigns."

"Wait, for real?" Jisung perks up.

"Would I lie about becoming King?"

"You seem a lot happier than you usually do when talking about your Kingship." Renjun points out.

"Well," Chenle starts, standing up to approach Youngie. "I told him I'd agree on one condition."

Youngie looks into the eyes of her boyfriend who is now standing directly across from her, holding both her hands in his. She gulps. "Which is?"

"I told him I'll become King only if, I get to keep dating my princess."

"Who's that?" Jeno questions, making Renjun facepalm.

"Wait, you guys are actually dating? Finally! See Chenle, I knew if you-" Jisung begins, but is cut off by Renjun.

"While Chenle and Youngie are very cute, I think we have something bigger to worry about. Chenle is going to be a King soon."

Jeno is still caught up with the prior statement. "Wait, Youngie and Chenle are dating?"

"That's not the point right now!" Renjun snaps.

"Wait! Can it be the point for one more minute?" Renjun sighs and Youngie redirects her attention from Renjun to Chenle. "You're doing this for me?"

"Of course I am." Chenle smiles brightly.

"But this is a big thing, like, really big. You always talk about how you don't want to become King because of all the responsibilities and the hardships and you-"

"It is a lot, but everything will be easier if I have you by my side." Chenle ends.

All the boys coo as Chenle pulls Youngie closer by her hands. He throws them around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist. Jeno grins while covering Jisung's eyes as Renjun cheers them on.

Right before their lips touch...

"Prince Chenle, there's someone who wants to see you." A servant who has just made their way into the room announces.

Chenle groans, tired of constantly being interrupted just before kissing his girlfriend.

He glances at Youngie a few times before giving a soft smile and letting her go so that he can follow the servant.

He's led to the area right in front of the portcullis where he is met eye to eye with Jiyun.

She wears a two piece black dress with a slit in the skirt. Her jet black hair with streaks of purpled is let out, but her bangs are styled in a way to cover only her right eye. She has her arms crossed over her exposed stomach as she stares down at the floor.

"I don't like you, you know." Jiyun spits.


"I don't have feelings for you! I don't wanna be your stupid little princess, so don't get the wrong idea."

"O... kay? Is that all you've come here to tell me?"

"Do you like any of the finalist princesses?"

Chenle chuckles, poking his tongue to his cheek. He leans back against the wall, still staring at the girl across from him. "Jiyun, I already have a girlfriend."

"Y- You what!" Jiyun's tone immediately becomes filled with rage.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I thought we had something Chenle! I thought we'd be the rebel King and Queen, together!"

"Well I don't want to be a rebel forever. I found someone who makes me better."

Jiyun growls, launching herself at Chenle before stopping mid-way to return to her original stature.

"Whatever. You're an idiot anyways."

"Excuse me?"

"You really kept me around in the princess competitions out of pettiness towards your dad, huh? Doesn't matter cuz I was using you too. I only tried to win you over for your money."

Chenle was taken aback. So much was put on him at once, he could barely sort his thoughts.

Used. How could he have been used if there was no guarantee for their relationship in the first place?

He had recently learned that Jiyun is one of the only royals to be cut off by their family. She still lived with them, but they didn't give her any money or special treatment. No wonder she stole so much.

While deep down he wanted to sympathize, he didn't enjoy the fact that she had tried to use him. He is not his wealth, he's a person. A person with bigger things to handle at the moment.

"Sorry Jiyun but I think you should go. And until you can be better, you're not getting a penny from me. Goodbye." And with that, he leaves.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now