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"Remember, you must order the servants to polish the 14th ballroom and replant the entire garden." King Peng demands.

Chenle and his father are currently marching down one of the castle's many corridors. The King and Queen are stepping out of the kingdom for a day and entrusted their sons to take care of it while they are gone. King Peng is informing Chenle on the rules he has to follow as they make their way towards the castles entrance.

"The guards will have eyes on you 24/7 so I don't want to hear about you sneaking out. Also, make sure that everyone in the castle does their daily jobs. And lastly, if the peasants are having any kind of problems, you call us IMMEDIATLY. You are not allowed to make any big decisions for the kingdom, do you understand?" King Peng concludes.

"We got it dad, you don't have to worry." Guang says, standing by the entrance, waiting with their mom. A servant approaches with all the King and Queen's luggage, and they prepare to take their leave.

"Be good children, we love you!" shouts Queen Howin.

"Speak for yourself." King Peng mumbles, walking out the door.

"Guang, sweetie, don't be afraid to invite Princess Lily over, tell her I love her too." Their mom speaks before leaving as well.

Princess Lily is the offical Princess of Flower Kingdom and Guang's fiancée. Lily and Guang have been friends since they were young, and one night 3 years ago, she snuck out of her castle to visit the Zhong's palace but on the way there, she was attacked. Guang found her and protected her and they've been dating ever since.

Chenle thinks Lily is very kind and loves seeing his brother happy but, ever since they got engaged, he has gained a lot of new, unwanted, responsibilities.

Lily is an only child which means she is first in line to become Queen once her parents pass away or resign, and if her and Guang get married, Guang will become King of her village causing Chenle to be first for King of Redamancy, which he did not want. All his life, he has found comfort in knowing his brother would become King before him, because traditionally the oldest sibling is always first for King or Queen, but all of that is lost if Guang marries Lily. Also, now his parents except him to marry a princess but Chenle found most of the Princesses stuck up and snobby. Not to mention, he isn't even interested in dating at the moment.

"Alright, time to sneak out, let the workers take a break, and give the towns people whatever they want." Chenle quips once the doors close.

"Not happening, you heard what dad said, and I'm not going to clean up after you if you decide to do something hugely irresponsible." Guang lectures. "I'll let you play basketball, but nothing else, and you're to be home by super."

"Whatever dad." Chenle rolls his eyes, walking away to find Jeno. His one chance at having fun was yet again, crushed by his brother.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now