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Chenle tries to run out after Youngie but by the time he'd left, she was already gone.

"What do I do? Where could she be?" He mumbles to himself.

Chenle felt so many emotions in this moment, making it hard for him to concentrate.

He was so worried for Youngie. Is she safe? How did she feel after their dance ended?

He was also pretty angry with his parents. Had it been their plan to ruin his ball all along? Allowing Youngie to be with him, only to cut the dance short and drive her away was nothing short of undeniable cruelness.

After the way Youngie had been treated, there's no way she could still be in the castle.

"Her home, I'll check there." And sure enough, he did.

Making it to the Choi residents in record time, Chenle gives three knocks, fingers crossed the girl he'd longed for would answer the door.

"Hello?" He hears as the smaller girl slightly peers through the sliver she'd formed with the door. "Oh, it's just you." She sighs before fully extending the door, giving more room for the Prince to enter.

He comes inside as the younger girl finds herself a seat on the couch, only a few steps away from the entrance.

Chenle closes the door and follows, occupying the seat right next to Youngie.

They both stare directly forward, neither of them turning to the side to look at the other.

"Is Ms. Choi here? Is she feeling well?"

"She's fine as far as I've heard. Her brother came earlier to pick her up and bring her to the doctor so that she could receive proper medicines."

Chenle nods at the explanation, still continuing to look forward.

Youngie gathers the guts to turn and face the boy, now becoming aware of him still in his golden suit from the ball.

"Sorry I left, I just felt a little out of place... " Youngie admits.

It was now Chenle's turn to face her, and once he did, he was shocked.

Youngie had changed into an oversized, red sweatshirt and pure black running shorts, which unknow to him, was her common sleep wear.

He also notices her hair changed from its previous style. It was slight damp and messily gathered up at the top of her head to form a bun.

The last thing that stuck out is her big gray glasses, which he doesn't question too much since he was sure Jeno had mentioned she wears reading glasses from time to time. He's just taken aback due to never seeing her in them before.

Chenle felt strange to say the least. No more poofy dress or fancy jewelry, yet he still found her just as, if not more, mesmerizing.

Youngie waves to try and capture Chenle attention, realizing he hasn't moved since facing her.

He snaps back into reality, thinking of what to say to hearten Youngie.

"You shouldn't compare yourself to them. The ball goers were cool and all, but none of them could compete with my best friend."

"I guess that's true." Youngie brightens at Chenle's words. "But I'm not saying it as if I want to be like them. It's just they've trained their whole lives to be exquisite and poise, Royal Balls are made for them! Not for some window wiper who almost broke her ankle mid-dance." She jokes.

"Take me for example. Even being raised into royalty, things like that aren't always my scene. I don't feel like I belong during any prince-like activity they throw at me, but I still show up and do it my way."

"Well then I should try to be a little more like you Chenle. Too bad we're total opposites." The two of them giggle, becoming more comfortable in their seats, contrary to being stiff and staring at the wall in front of them. They now have no problem glancing at one another every now and then. 

"Do you wanna know a secret?" Chenle abruptly ask once his laughing concludes. Youngie lets out a hum while nodding her head. "I... I want a girlfriend someday. And I know that isn't shocking alone, but the whole, 'meet a princess twice and then arranged marriage' stuff is kinda annoying. I want to find someone random and if I like her, happily date for awhile. Then after being in love, I want to marry her whenever I choose. Just like Guang and Lily."

Youngie pouts out her lower lip and coos at her friends cute confession. He looks down at his lap to hide himself, but Youngie leans in front of him, trying to catch his eye.

"Once again, there's something we can agree on." She smiles.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now