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The food comes out but the two decide they wanna take it to go, Youngie having a few more things she wants to show Chenle before they return home.

They aimlessly walk through town, every step being illuminated by the streetlights. After a bit of walking, Youngie brings them to a park. They sit down next to a cute little pond which is surrounded by pebbles, flowers, and even habitats, little frogs jumping from lilypad to lilypad.

"Isn't this beautiful? It's definitely more of my scene." Youngie tells.

"It's nice." Chenle replies, falling on his back to look up at the stars. "I prefer doing things that use lots of energy, but this is nice every once in awhile."

"I guess you attract people who really balance you out than, huh. You do more daring stuff while me, Jisung, and Jeno try to hold you back, making sure that you don't get in trouble or get hurt." Youngie says, grabbing some bread from one of the takeout bags. She tears off a piece and hands it to Chenle, shivering in the process.

He notices her action, not saying anything before sitting up.

He slips off the jacket he'd taken before leaving the castle. He removes one arm at a time and drapes it over her shoulders.

"Oh no, you don't have to-"

"It's fine, you're cold."

Chenle reaches into a bag and pulls out his omelet.

"My gosh this is so good! Why waste six hours when food like this can be made in under one?" He praises with each bite, making Youngie chuckle.

Chenle goes back to laying down, ranting about random stories he remembers from when he was younger.

Youngie just sits there, hugging her knees and listening. She nods her head, adding "yeah!" and "really?" when she felt fit, not saying much more because she didn't want to interrupt Chenle.

Youngie being genuinely interested made her feel like she could listen to him talk for days. Chenle was just happy that someone listened to him, unlike his dad. He finally felt like someone really, really, cared about what he had to say. Even if it was nonsense Youngie didn't silence him once.

Chenle made sure to tell Youngie how appreciative he was for her, making her feel bashful on the walk home.

Around 10 p.m. (22:00) the pair return to the castle, Youngie knowing her mom was there working late.

Chenle hurries to the front door, wanting to hold it open for Youngie, but she couldn't walk in because he froze as soon as he saw who was inside.



"Chenle, we were looking all over the castle for y-"

Chenle nervously shifts to the side, revealing Youngie's figure standing behind him.

"You... " King Peng growls.

"M- Me?" She stutters out, pointing to herself.

Peng looks at Chenle and points towards Youngie.

"This peasant is a bad influence on you!"

Just then, Youngie's mom comes out from finishing her last task for the next two days.

"Excuse me, what did you just call my daughter?"

"Ms. Choi-" Chenle tries to clear things up but Ms. Choi doesn't care. She takes Youngie's hand and drags her out the door. Youngie turns to Chenle, showing a sad expression before looking back.

"Father. My friends, aren't peasants. None of the villagers are peasants. You? You're a horrible person, and an even worse King."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now