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2 months later...

"How's the fit Chenle?" Mrs. Lee ask.

"A little tight." Chenle replies on his last breath. He lets out a huff once one of his buttons pop, revealing his clothed chest. "But I really like it." He says making Mrs. Lee chuckle.

"I'm sure Youngie will like it too

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"I'm sure Youngie will like it too." Jeno smirks, wiggling his eyebrows.

Chenle smiles while looking down. He shoves his hands in his pockets and swings one of his legs.

Mrs. Lee giggles, re-measuring Chenle's chest and jotting it down.

The door cracks open and a head peaks in. "Coronation (the crowning of a king) begins soon, I hope you're ready in time!" Howin announces.

"Okay mom, I'm almost-"

"Also, Youngie is waiting for you in the Great Hall."

Chenle snaps his head towards Mrs. Lee, pleading to her with his eyes.

She sighs. "Fine, just change your clothes first. I'll add some final adjustments and than you'll be good to go."

"I'm gonna leave early to go greet some of the guest. Look for me in the crowd, I'll be the one cheering loudest." Jeno says before waving and leaving the room. Chenle goes out after him, to go find his girlfriend.

He reaches the Great Hall to see Youngie standing there, staring out a window.

He reaches the Great Hall to see Youngie standing there, staring out a window

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(Her dress)

"Hey soon-to-be King!"

"Hell-o future Queen." He looks her up and down, causing Youngie to blush. For now, she is only known as the prince's/future King's girlfriend because she won't officially be any type of royalty until they get married.

She clears her throat. "What time are we leaving for the Church?"

"I like to not worry about those things." Chenle shrugs while wrapping his arms around Youngie's waist.

"Lele, what about the responsibility and time management classes you took?"

"All I've learned, was the right time to do things like this." Chenle glances left and right, making sure no one else is in sight. He quickly pulls Youngie in, giving her a long but soft kiss.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now