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Chenle is currently in his room standing behind a folding screen.

In front of the screen, Jeno's mom or Mrs. Lee was sitting on a cushioned ottoman and sewing up the final touches to Chenle's outfit for the day.

"Alright Chenle, I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this one. I hope you like." Mrs. Lee says handing him the outfit. "Go ahead, try it on."

"It looks great Mrs. Lee... " Chenle replies taking the outfit from her hands and beginning to dress.

"Really? Because you don't sound too enthusiastic."

"I'm sorry, it's just, nothing... "

"I'm guessing you don't want to do today's activity?"

"How'd you know?"

Mrs. Lee chuckles. "You've been avoiding anything that has to do with become King ever since you found out Guang wasn't going to be the next one."

"It's not fair."

"I think it is. I'd would want you in charge before anyone else. You actually care about this kingdom."

"That's true... but this whole princess picking thing is weird. I don't know any of these girls and I'll be forced to marry one of them soon?"

"I assume you'd rather marry someone you're already friends with?"


"Okay. And in an unrelated note, Jeno told me you and Youngie have become good friends recently, is that true?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Hmm, no reason."

Chenle doesn't question what she said too much and steps out from behind the folding screen.

Mrs. Lee gasp. "Chenle! You look great!"

"Thanks, it does look pretty good."

"Now," Mrs

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"Now," Mrs. Lee stands up and brushes down some of Chenle's hair with her palm.

"Mrs. Lee," Chenle whines. "I want it to look fluffy."

"Alright Chenle." She sighs as she places one of his favorite crowns onto his head. "Now you go out there and you make those girls fall in love with you!" Mrs. Lee pushes Chenle by his shoulders towards the bedroom door.

He takes a deep breath before opening it and speed walking towards the throne room.

One of his dad's servants ushers him into the room and closes the doors backing him. Him mom, dad, brother, and brother's fiancée Lily all stood together behind the throne.

Chenle approaches them and bows before sitting down.

Chenle approaches them and bows before sitting down

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"You've got this Chenle." Lily bends down to whisper in his ear.

He thinks of the encouraging words he received earlier from his two best friends.

He looks up and smiles and nods towards Lily.

Chenle clears his throat, "Bring forward thy princess!" He shouts.

The servant from earlier opens the large double doors and in comes fifteen pairs.

Fifteen girls flooded into the room, all of them having their left arm intertwined with their father's right, all except one.

One of the princess stood a couple inches away from her father. She wasn't wearing a crown or a large, poofy, bright dress like the other girls. She wore a small, loose, black dress.

"Don't choose that one Chenle, their family is nothing but trouble."

This comment came from King Peng.

Upon hearing his fathers tone, a sinister smile spread across Chenle's face.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now