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"So, how long have you had a crush her?" Jeno ask. It's the next day and Jeno and Chenle are roaming the halls once again.

Chenle found it easier to let his emotions out while they were active. He's always liked the fast pace of things.

"I- I'm not sure. I could've liked her for awhile now, or it could've started just yesterday!" Chenle wails.

"What do you mean?"

"Well the first time my heart every skipped a beat around her was when she'd first held Daegal, on my porch. And then there was this other time, we had gone on a 'date' to a restaurant in the village. But even after those I was still able to look at her as nothing more than a friend until now."


"Yes, I'm talking about Youngie." Chenle explains, confused on why Jeno isn't caught up yet.

"No, over there!" Chenle turns in the direction that his friend is pointing, only to spot the girl in question. Chenle lets out a yelp as he ducks behind Jeno.

"Oh, hey Jeno! My mom's no longer ill, so she's making up some work and brought me along. I guess I'll be here all day!" Youngie exclaims.

She then glances towards Chenle, his eyes already fixated on her. They both turn away, Youngie facing down and pursing her lips.

"Hello Chenle." Ms. Choi greets, raising one eyebrow.

"Hi Ms- huh?" Chenle suddenly gets interrupted by a weird feeling. The ground was shaking. At first it felt like it was only happening inside the room they're in, but they figure out it's the entire castle.

"A- Are we h-having an earthquake?" Jeno gets out, grabbing a hold of a chair to try and steady himself.

Youngie is stood next to an entry table with a lamp and a vase on top, not to mention the mirror hanging over it.

Youngie is stood next to an entry table with a lamp and a vase on top, not to mention the mirror hanging over it

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Due to the room's vibration, everything falls down. Youngie screams and jumps to her left in hopes not to get injured by the now broken glass.

Chenle grasps Youngie hand, pulling her to wrap both her arms around his right arm as he holds her close.

"Attention, attention! The castle is now on lockdown!"

The four individuals become filled with panic, but before they could react, Peng darts down the hall straight at them.

"What are you idiots doing! Come on to the safe room!" Peng scolds.

They all followed him and eventually make it to the room. It seemed almost every person who lived in the castle was stuffed into that room.

"Dad, what's happening out there?" Guang voices, everyone in the room nodding.

"Well... I may have accidently... started a, I don't know... war."

Ms. Choi facepalms. "And we're the idiots."

"Hey, it's not entirely my fault! Remember Princess Flowers? Not Lily from the Flower Kingdom, but Princess Flowers of the Gardening Kingdom?"

"That's not confusing." Howin uses sarcasim, but Chenle simply nods along.

"Well you made her first to leave 2 Truths and 1 Lie because she had a pet spider, and her father didn't like that very much. I mean, he already hated me, but now he hates you too since you rejected his daughter."

"How do you know all this?" Youngie buds in.

"Yesterday I got a strange call when I was doing a puz... " Peng drifts off, looking around at all of the eyes on him. "Push-ups." He ends, flashing a smile.

"Welp, we're all going to die because dad is a stupid King and Chenle doesn't take his Prince duties seriously. Great." Guang sighs.

"Not yet." Guard Taeyong speaks up. "Redamancy is too strong. We're not going down without a fight."

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now