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Youngie and Chenle arrive at the park. Chenle holds onto one half of a red and white tiled blanket while he throws the other half into the air, slowly lowering it so that it'll spread out with no wrinkles.

Youngie watches as she removes Daegal from her restricting lease, allowing the pup to roam free around the fenced area.

The couple make eye contact, both awkwardly smiling before sitting down across from one another. Chenle opens the picnic basket, placing down two sets of plates and wine glasses. One in front of his girlfriend and the other himself.

Youngie rocks back and forth, glancing around for Daegal because she feels incapable to look at the boy opposite of her. She clears her throat while Chenle attempts to fancily place some premade sandwiches on her plate,

 She clears her throat while Chenle attempts to fancily place some premade sandwiches on her plate,

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but he ends up knocking over her cup in the process.

"S- Sorry... " He stutters out, thankful that he hadn't poured her drink yet.

Once everything is arranged, Chenle tries to make small talk.

"So... is this your first date?" He ask, looking down at his food.

"Yep, and. You. Are. My. First. Boyfriend." Youngie replies in an almost robotic tone. She has been extremely nervous and unable to speak properly since yesterday.

"Nice." Chenle speaks and then sighs. They stay quiet for a second as Youngie goes to bite her food and Chenle takes a sip of his sparkling water.

The young girl focuses her gaze on a sign a bit away from them. The sign reads 'Redamancy Park'.

"Redamancy is such a beautiful name for a Kingdom, don't you think?" Youngie lets out, finally managing to look up at Chenle.

"It sounds pretty, although I wonder what it means."

Youngie almost chokes on her food. "You're the prince who's next in line for the throne and you don't even know what Redamancy means?"

"In my defense, my dad is King and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know either. He can't even spell picnic right." This makes Youngie chuckle. "So, what does it mean?"

"Redamancy is the act of loving someone who loves you in return. A requited love." Youngie shyly explains.

"Oh, than yes. It's a beautiful name for a Kingdom." They both stay quiet once again, but this time with smiles on their faces.

Youngie purses her lips before giggling. She makes eye contact with Chenle and her enjoyment only grows louder. "Why were we so weird when we first got here?"

"I was just about to say that!" Chenle exclaims, breaking out into his dolphin laugh. "It was so awkward because I was trying to be this 'perfect boyfriend'."

"I was trying to be a 'perfect girlfriend' too! I messed up because I have absolutely no idea what you're supposed to talk about on dates."

"When I think about the fact that we're dating, it makes me feel like I need to act different around you."

"Please don't! I like you because of how you were before. How we were before."

Chenle takes in her statement, using this time to think. "So dating is kinda like being best friends, except you can kiss?"

Youngie's face immediately turns pink. Daegal runs up, nuzzling her head against Youngie's arm before letting out a single bark and speeding off again. Youngie gives the small dog a questioning look before turning back to see Chenle closer than before.

"Y- Yeah, something like that... " She finally responds.

"Then maybe we should make it official, if you'll let me?" He suggest with a grin.

Youngie doesn't even respond, she just slowly squints her eyes before fully closing them, mentally preparing herself. Chenle takes this as a sign, leaning in to finally close the separation between them.

Her gentle lips softly press against his, their hearts racing as Chenle brushes some hair behind her ear, resting his hand on her cheek to pull her closer.

The kiss ends after a few seconds and they stare into each other's eyes.

The happiest smile to ever be seen spreads across Chenle's face. He slowly moves back and stands up, never breaking their eye contact as he skips off to retrieve Daegal before she get to far.

Author: Hiya! My school year just ended which means I now have lots of free time to continue writing. ^_^

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now