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"Okay, now we just wait." Jeno tells Chenle.

The 3 friends stood in a convenience store. Jeno was teaching Chenle how to make Ramen while Youngie walked around, gathering food for her and her mother.

The Ramen maker stopped pouring out hot water and Jeno took the bowl off the machine. He carries it to a table, Chenle following behind. Youngie finished purchasing her stuff and carries her bags to join the two at the table.

Jeno shakes the flavor packet that came with the noodles and opens it, releasing flavor onto the noodles. He takes a pair of chopsticks and mixes it up, holding it out to Chenle when he's done.

"You're going to love this, right Youngie?" Jeno states.

Youngie looks up, only to become timorous upon meeting eyes with Jeno. She shyly nods her head and looks back down to sort through her stuff.

Chenle shrugs and lifts up the sticks wrapped in noodles, softly blowing before placing the food in his mouth.

His eyes grow wide as he swallows and proceeds to take another bite. And then another. And then another.

"Jeno, this is amazing!" Chenle exclaims. "This! This is only 276.38 won?" ($0.25 in U.S. dollars)

"I knew you'd like it." Jeno smiles.

"Youngie!" Chenle say, pushing past Jeno and approaching the girl. "How much for all the Ramen you were selling today?"

Youngie was taken aback by this. For one, Chenle got really close to her which was something she's not used to from people she'd just met. And two, did THE prince of Redamancy wanted to buy a bunch of Ramen?

"I- I could ask my mom, but are you sure? I bet those expensive noodles up in the castle are way better-"

"Nah, they're overrated. I want more Ramen." Chenle states with a determined tone.

They all walk back to Youngie and her mom's food stand and Chenle buys out the entirety of the Ramen that was left for the day, Youngie's mom profusely thanking him for the generosity.

They wave goodbye as Chenle and Jeno walk back to the castle.

They enter and make their way up to Chenle's room.

Chenle lays horizontally across his master bed, staring up at the roof with his arms under his head.

Jeno looks around in awe, still amazed by how nice the boys room is even though he has been in it multiple times.

"Do you ever miss it?" Chenle mutters out.

"Miss what?" Jeno replies, touching a gold goblet that sat on top a dresser and almost knocking it over. He lightly tapped it, causing it to fall over, only for him to catch it and push it against the dresser, making a lot of noise.

Chenle lifts his head and shakes it in disapproval, chuckling a bit. "Living in the village."

"Sometimes, but this castle is amazing!"

"I guess... " Chenle sighs. "I don't know I just feel like it's so much better out there. No big responsibilities, being able to go and do what ever you want, whenever you want."

"Everyone has their hardships, royal or not. You saw Youngie's mom selling cheap food to make a living and all your dad does is boss people around and makes 10x as much money as her."

"Yeah... you're right."

"I can't blame you. We all want what we don't have... "

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now