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"Jiyun?" Chenle tilts his head to the side.

Jiyun freezes in her spot, slowly dropping the fruits she was holding.

"Hello Zhong family! And hello to you too random girl and women." Jiyun turns to face the group, a forced looking smile plastered on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Peng ask, glaring at princess.

"Woah, Chenle, control your dad." Jiyun snorts, amused by her own words. She notices no one else laughing and clears her throat. "I wanted to visit Chenle, but felt guilty to come without any gifts."

"Aren't you literal royalty?" Howin questions.

"Yes, but the guards in my castle have locked everything up." Jiyun explains, skipping towards Chenle. "They won't let me steal anything anymore." She hands the prince a green apple.

"Jiyun, my dog ran away. Do you think you could help us look around?" Chenle ask, making Peng scoff.

"She's probably the one who took it."

"Hey not true! I'm more of a snake person. Sure, I can join you on your quest your majesty." She bows to Chenle.

"Great! You, Youngie, and Chenle can all work together and Peng can join me and Queen Howin. We'll be off now, don't want to waist anytime." Ms. Choi ends.

And with that, Jiyun, Chenle, and Youngie begin walking together, Chenle walking on the far right, and Jiyun walking in between him and Youngie.

Youngie reaches around Jiyun and taps on Chenle's shoulder, trying to gain his attention.

"Is she's one of the princesses?" She ask. He nods in response and Youngie faces Jiyun. "Well I haven't met any of them yet, so it's really nice to meet you!" She says, extending her arm out for a handshake.

Jiyun just rolls her eyes in response, making Youngie's smile drop as she retracts her hand.

"So Chenle," Jiyun turns towards him, blocking Youngie. "When's the next time we're gonna hang out? You know, alone?"

Youngie was taken aback by this. 'Have they gotten that close already?'

"I heard the next elimination is going to be pretty big, so maybe then." Chenle replies.

Youngie just frowns and turns her head opposite of where the other two stand.

After a little more searching filled with Jiyun and Chenle's unrelated conversations, the group hears a silent, "Bark!"

Chenle tenses as he scans his left and right, wanting to find the source.

He looks into a window on the house to his left, viewing a child feeding a big brown dog. The dog makes the same 'bark' from earlier.

"If you want we can just steal that one. Like, don't you have power over the entire Kingdom or something." Jiyun says.

Chenle tries to laugh it off, but he once again grows stressed and starts chewing his nails.

Youngie didn't want to say anything, but this comment made her blood boil.

"How could you joke in a time like this!" Youngie scolds before turning to Chenle and caressing his upper arm. "You really shouldn't do that, it could mess up your teeth and-"

"How about you stop trying to control him." Jiyun snaps.

"Control him? I'm trying to help-"

"You're being annoying! Stop always getting in the way."

'Always getting in the way.' The words kept replaying in Youngie's mind.

She didn't want to let Jiyun walk all over her, but she also knew a petty fight wouldn't help Chenle relax. She didn't care for her mentality or pride right now. Only Chenle and Daegal.

"I'm sorry." She quietly mumbles, blinking back her tears.

The parents meet back up with the children, Chenle's mom comforting him so that he can calm down.

"I'm really sorry baby, but it's almost night fall. We'll continue answering calls tonight and look around some more tomorrow."

"No, it's fine. Everyone must be really tired. I'm sure she'll turn up eventually."

Queen Howin was surprised by her sons words. She choose not to argue because she knows how upset he is over everything that's happening. She obviously wouldn't give up on Daegal, but he didn't need to know that.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now