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A yell rings through Chenle's head. All he could see was darkness, all he felt was warmth.

"Chenle! It's time to wake up!"

Following this sound the warmth was snatched away, leaving Chenle's body to instinctively curl up. The dimmest of light could be seen, but that didn't take away from the overwhelming amounts of darkness.

Chenle blinks a few times before fully opening his eyes and understanding the situation.

He'd just woken up to his dad snatching off his covers and throwing open his curtains, causing him to see the brightness of the sunlight through his eyelids.

He moves his head to see his dad dancing around the room and shouting for him to wake up.

An unusual sight was viewed by Chenle that morning as he saw his dad wearing a big smile.

'Was he having fun?'

Chenle sits up and squints at his dad.

"Wh- What are you doing?" Chenle ask in tired voice.

"Get up Chenle, breakfast is waiting! And after that, we have a family activity that I think you'll really enjoy!" Chenle's dad states, still dancing around.

Chenle was extremely confused by his dad's words and actions.

King Peng leaves the room and Chenle pushes the puzzled feelings aside, getting up to get ready for the day.

Chenle finishes breakfast with his mother and King Peng walks in.

"Good morning family!" He shouts out, laying a kiss on his wives forehead.

"What's up with him?" Chenle whispers to Guang.

"I don't know and I don't want to know." Guang responds, looking back at his phone.

"Come on! Hurry up now! We're going to be late for our walk through the town."

Chenle was drinking some juice before his father spoke, and the words he said made him immediately it spit out.

"Chenle!" One of the maids gasp, running to clean up his mess.

"We're going to town? We're going to town!" Chenle cheers.

"Yes, but we will traveling together in a group, to look on all the less fortunate peasants." King Peng beams, careless of his words.

"What the- dad!" Chenle yells.

"Servants, tell the guards to open the gates! We'll be heading out now."

"No! You can't just-

"Come on Chenle, you know there's no use in arguing with him." His mom says before dragging him out of the kitchen, trailing behind Guang and King Peng.

The Zhong family walks down the main pathway that connected the entire village of Redamancy. Every step they took was overtop of a red carpet that Peng hired someone to roll out in front of them.

King Peng walked with his head held high as the village scream his name in admiration. Queen Howin spoke endearingly and shook hands with each person they passed, while Guang just waved at everyone.

Chenle stood with his head hung low, unhappy on why his dad choose to go to the village that day.

On the other side of town, Youngie and her mom began to set up their ramen stand.

"What's all the commotion happening down the street?" Youngie ask her mom as she places chopstick in a cup on top the stand.

"How should I know?" Her mom jokes in a sassy tone. She glances to the crowds of people shock when seeing familiar faces. "Is that the royal family?"

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now