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After leaving his mother alone in shock, Chenle was on a mission.

He searches around the castle to find one of his bestest (yes, I know that's not grammatically correct) friends, and a person he considers a father more than his own dad. He almost walks past the music room when he hears someone softly playing the piano.


"Chenle! What are you doing here?"

"I need you to take me to Renjun's Kingdom."

Kun tilts his head, pausing to think if he should even question Chenle's strange antics. "Why?"

"Uh... I miss him?" Chenle makes up on the spot.

"Tell me the truth."

Chenle sighs. "Aw man, you always know when I'm lying. The older, the wiser I guess." Kun gives him an unimpressed look as Chenle just laughs it off. "I- I need to ask him for girl advice. Remember the girl I danced with at the ball? I want to confess to her."

Kun's face suddenly lights up as he grabs Chenle's arm and basically drags him to the horse and carriage. Through out the entire trip, Kun bombards him with questions like, 'When did you realize?' and 'Are you going to tell your parents?' Making Chenle feel a little shy, but he tries to cover it up by replying with cool remarks.

After about an hour, they finally arrive at their destination. Chenle races out of the carriage and right up to the entrance of the drawbridge.

"Hello old friend." Renjun greets in Mandarin. He'd already informed his servants to drop the bridge since he'd seen Chenle's ride from a mile away. "I was just sitting in my bay window, painting a picture when I see you out of my peripheral. What brings you here?"

"I want to ask her out." Chenle had brought up Youngie to Renjun over the phone a few times, the older teasing him for having a friend of the opposite gender. Those calls slightly contributed to Chenle's newly found feelings.

Renjun smirks as he signals Chenle to follow him. They both set foot in the castle, Chenle paying his respects to the Huang parents before they find an empty area to sit and talk.

"Why did you come to me?" Renjun ask out of genuine curiosity.

"Well, you're my only friend with a girlfriend and I didn't want to talk to my brother about this."

It's true. Out of Chenle, Prince Jisung, Prince Jaemin, Prince Renjun, and worker Jeno, Renjun was the only one with a girlfriend. One he has loved for a while and planned on proposing to soon.

"So I was just a back-up plan?"

"Are you going to help me or not?" Chenle shot.

Renjun puts his hands up in defense before continuing.

"You mentioned that she's similar to Jisung, which means she's an introvert, right? You shouldn't make the confession a big thing with skywriting or a parade because that might overwhelm her. Instead you should just talk to her, one on one. Also, try to bring up something that she has told you awhile ago. Prove that you care by showing that you listen to her. Even if you don't to anyone else." Renjun mumbles the last part, earning a nudge from Chenle.

Just as everything seemed to be going so well...


Chenle turns around (Renjun's already facing that way) and his jaw drops.

"Jiyun?" Both him and Renjun say at the same time.

"Wait a minute," Chenle shortly turns back to face Renjun again, "How do you know her?"

"She was one of the first people I eliminated out of my own Princess trials." Renjun explains, glaring at the troublesome girl.

"What's going on here?" Jiyun ask, sauntering towards them.

"Why are you here?" Chenle lifts a brow.

"Well I was going to steal some stuff from Renjun's local market, but now I'm here for you." She admits, leaning closer to Chenle's face.

"Well can you come back after I finish giving him girl advice?" Renjun snaps.

"Oh, so you like someone?" Jiyun perks, sitting down next to Chenle and placing her arm around his shoulder.

"Yeah, and he's going to speak with her later, so can you please get lost."

"He... he likes someone else?"

"What do you mean?" Chenle bends down to look Jiyun in the eyes since she's staring at her lap.

Jiyun removes her arm from around Chenle, angrily stomping her right foot before huffing and walking away.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now