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Peng takes a hand-full of cookies and shoves them in his mouth.

"Not too bad for poor people food." He says with his mouth full, crumbs flying all over the place.

Howin sighs before thanking Ms. Choi for the cookies.

"Well I guess now is the best time to tell you why we're here." Howin announces.

"That would be great, yes." Ms. Choi replies.

"Basically, we would like to offer you a job at the castle!" Howin beams.

"Oh! While that sounds great-"

"What! Are you declining?" Peng shouts.

"It's just, I don't think we're classy enough to work for royals, and this house is very meaningful to the both of us." Ms. Choi explains.

"Is there anything we can do to change your mind? I'll give you any job position you want, plus, we pay handsomely." Howin doubles down.

"We don't really care about money-"

"Wait! Mom, can we speak in the kitchen really quick?" Youngie interjects.

"One second your highnesses." Ms. Choi says before her and Youngie walk into their kitchen.

"If they pay us a lot, we can give back to the village!" Youngie exclaims.

"That's true... but are you sure you want to work in the castle?"

"Are you kidding? The inside of the castle is absolutely beautiful and-"

"The inside?"

"Oh, I mean... " Youngie realizes she'd never told her mom why she left one day and came back home late with a bunch of books and dog fur on her shirt. "I imagine it looks great."

"What about our home?"

"That should be one of our conditions! We'll work there as long as we get to continue living here. Wait, I just realized, if we go to the castle, you can see Jeno's mom again!"

"Mrs. Lee? No way! I haven't seen her since she moved there."

"Yeah! So let's work at the castle!"

"You realize, if we work amongst the royals we're going to have to meet a bunch of people, right? A bunch of rude, rich people."

"A bunch of p-people? Maybe you're right, we shouldn't... " Youngie admits, saying the last sentence quickly out of nervousness.

"It's too late, you've already convinced me!"

"Mom, no!" Ms. Choi grabs her daughter arm and drags her out of the kitchen.

"Queen Howin and... Peng."

"Excuse me?" King Peng yells, but Ms. Choi ignores him.

"It would be an honor to work for you." Ms. Choi bows.

"Amazing! Let's go now so I can give you two a quick tour." She cheers, hoping off the couch and giving Youngie a 'boop' on her nose.

Chenle paces back and forth right in front of the entrance to the castle.

"Should I go there and save her? Ugh, I don't even know where she lives."

He grows worried for his friend, not having any trust in his father.

He begins to chew on his nails, spitting out the parts that come off onto the floor.

"Hasn't literally everyone told you to stop doing that?" Jeno questions approaching the younger boy.

"I can't help it," He replies.

"You're not usually like this, are you okay?"


The front doors bust open, causing both of the boys to jump.

"Hello children, please welcome your newest royal Steward and her daughter/apprentice!" (The main duty of the Steward is to attend to visitors and to assist other officers in their duties.)

"Youngie? Your mom is going to be working the castle?" Jeno ask. Youngie excitedly nods her head and the two friends join hands and start jumping in circles.

Chenle sighs in relief. "I was so scared that, wait, you two are working here now? Is that why they were at your house?"

"Yup, we're only working the day shift though, which means you're stuck with me all day long." Youngie teases. This makes Chenle smile.

"Wait, you two already know each other?" King Peng ask, pointing between the two of them.

"Yeah, they're like best friends. He kinda stole her from me." Jeno says, scratching the back of his head. "But anyway, you should've seen how nervous he was. He was striding back and forth and biting off his nails."

"Lele, I've told you to stop chewing your nails." Howin lectures.

"Mooom," He whines. He turns towards Youngie. "I don't bite my nails, just so you know."

"Really? Cause the way they look now doesn't seem fit for a future King." Youngie jokes, making everyone laugh.

"He's really rubbing off on you." Jeno tells Youngie as Chenle sulks.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now