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Chenle is currently in a call with his best guy friend, and who he'd consider his best girl friend.

He thought it would be a good idea to introduce them, mainly because he saw them as very similar to each other. But over some time he quickly realize that the main reason they reminded him of one another is because they're both extremely shy and awkward.

"Um... h-hello, I'm Jisung."

"H-Hi J-J-Jisung. I'm Younglee. I mean Youngie!"

'How do you mess up your own name?' Chenle thinks to himself.

"Okay guys, I need some help. I'm meeting my first line up of princesses today." He announces.

"Oh, so does that mean you're closer to becoming King?" Youngie questions.

"Yes, and that's the problem!" Chenle responds.

"You can't always try to avoid it Chenle. Also, didn't you say you were going to ask one of your friends for advise?" The other lines stayed quiet as Jisung took a minute to comprehend what was happening. "Wait! Is s-she that friend? The Youngie girl?"

"Wait huh? Am I what friend?"

"Youngie, I need some advise. You and me usually think in opposite ways and I need a new perspective on this." Chenle takes a deep breath in and let's it out. "I'm gonna have to become King soon, but I'm not ready. Meeting the princesses is just the first step before my dad forces me to do all these other lessons and then into the throne."

"Oh, that is a problem. Well, I have some advise on the King stuff later, but didn't you say you're meeting the princesses today?"

"Yeah, I only have one hour."

"Okay then we'll focus on that for now. It's kinda weird how they usually only let the royals encounter with these people a few times before forcing them to marry. Is that what you have to do?"

"Yeah! They said I would pick seven out of the fifteen today, and then I'll have to meet them like three more times before settling on one."

"Wow, they've got you kicking them off like it's the bachelor." Jisung states causing Youngie to giggle.

Chenle smiles at his best friends getting along but quickly turned his focus back to the princesses. "Now is not the time for jokes!"

"Okay, okay. But still, this whole thing sounds really weird. We aren't just objects you can look at a few times then fall in love with. Shouldn't you marry because you actually like the person you're with?"

"That's what I've been saying! Wow, this is the first time we're actually thinking alike."

Youngie chuckles. "I guess it is, anyways, the best thing I can say is, make sure you are doing this for you and not anyone else. This is you're future! Don't choose someone your dad would want just for their riches or because of an alliance, choose the person best for you specifically. If the princess from our enemy village has the best personality, choose her regardless of anyone else, because you deserve someone that makes you happy."

"CHENLE!" A loud yell was heard from the hallway.

"I gotta go, thanks so much for the advise Youngie!"

"Good luck, fighting!" She shouts.

"Don't like your princess more than me!" Jisung exclaims, right before Chenle hangs up his phone.

Jisung and Youngie stay in the call, both too nervous to end it.

"That was some really good advise."

"Thanks!" They both get quiet again. "Erm, so... "

"Yeah... " Jisung murmurs.

"I have to go,"

"Water my fish!" "Walk my fish!" Youngie yells at the same time Jisung gets out his excuse.

"Oh." They say simultaneously once again.


"D- Do you wanna hear a cringey story about Chenle?" Jisung ask.

"What kind of question is that...? Of course I do!"

"Okay, so, we were together in Redamancy, near that big fountain thingy in the middle of town, he runs, full speed towards this groups of birds and slips into-"

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now