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Every guard within the safe room ventured back into the main castle to load up on weapons and armor. The plan was simple, the guards, Guang, Chenle, and King Peng would all go out and fight off the other Kingdom, while volunteers would run through the battle ground to lead others to safety.

We learn that the shaking from earlier came from the Garden Kingdom's defense team trying to breakdown the castle doors.

"Only the bravest of the brave may join us on our mission. The rest of you can stay here and hold down the fort. I promise you, things will be back to normal soon, I promise." Queen Howin announces to the remainder of the castle's staff in the safe room.

"Do you think you can handle them Youngie?" Chenle ask, gesturing to the people in the room. He was bent over, lacing up his shoes as he mentally prepared himself for the fight.

"What do you mean? I'm going with you."

"No, you can't. You have to stay here. It's safe here and you're the only person who can keep everyone calm-"

"Chenle, I'm coming with you." She states, articulating each word. Before Chenle could argue, the guards re-enter the room and start handing out armor to those planning on entering the battlefield.

Youngie strides up to Taeyong, holding out her arms while eyeballing the armor.

"Are you sure about this princess?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I need to be able to say I was there for our village. I'm sure." Taeyong smiles and hands her a chest plate, some boots, a bow and arrow, and a quiver (the bag that holds the arrows). He then approaches Chenle and hands him the same, but instead of a bow and arrow, he got a sword and shield. He pats Chenle's back, motioning towards Youngie before walking away.

"I'll stay here and keep everyone in order, Youngie, will you be okay?" Ms. Choi stares into her daughter's eyes.

"I'll be fine mom, I love you." They embrace in a tight hug before slowly releasing. Youngie spins around to see all the guards, plus Guang, Howin, Peng, and Chenle lined up at the door.

"Are we ready warriors!" Taeyong shouts with a smirk on his face. In that moment everything hit Youngie, fast. She was so confident until she realized what she was going into was an actual fight. People with weapons, wanting to hurt them all because the boy she likes has an idiot for a father.

Youngie had first try archery when she was around six years old and almost instantly mastered it, but she didn't want to hurt anyone. Only protect. Her main goal now is to escort all the villagers and return safely to her mom.

She takes a few deep breaths before Taeyong opens the door to the safe room and the group charges out. They leave through the back to sneak attack the Garden's defense team who are still committedly trying to break in through the front.

(This is an idea of what the castle looks like again, just add a huge wall on the outskirts and change the water to a hill) (It's like a 2 minute walk uphill from the village

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(This is an idea of what the castle looks like again, just add a huge wall on the outskirts and change the water to a hill) (It's like a 2 minute walk uphill from the village.)

Taeyong's group exit the Great Hall and runs pass the Southeast Tower. They crouch and creep past the North wall, fully prepared to fight once they past the North-east Tower.

Chenle glances at Youngie the entire time to make sure she is still beside him, since the large group of people almost faded into one.

Taeyong is first to reach the Garden Kingdom's defense team. He doesn't hesitate to swing at the first person who notices them.

Thus, it begins. Taeyong swings his sword from the left and the guy he's fighting holds up a shield to block it. Another one of our guards comes in on the right, slashing the Gardener guard's hip while he's distracted. The poor man lets out a loud yelp, garnering the attention of everyone banging on the door.

"Attack!" The King of the Garden village yells, making the crowd of about 30 people run at Redamancy's group of only 20.

Peng immediately goes one on one with with King Garden, King Garden slicing a long streak down Peng's thigh and Peng not even showing a hint of pain on his face.

"See Chenle? This is why we go biking! Never skip leg day!" He yells. Chenle sighs and facepalms before him and Youngie are quickly swooped away.

Author: Sorry I've taken so long to update, I've had mild writers block, but I've gotten out of it and hope to be more consistent with updating the rest of the story. Next page out in a few hours! (Hopefully) Love you all ❤

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now