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Youngie had spent the last few days contemplating Chenle's words. Could he really like her back? That could explain the staring, and the sweaty hand holding, and the constant whispers to Jisung when she was around? All this evidence yet Youngie just couldn't pull herself to believe it.

She hadn't seen him since the war, and even though she was too nervous to reach out herself, she had wondered if he was avoiding her.

Hopefully all her worries would soon be gone since he'd ask to meet her later today. She had no idea what to expect.

"Hi," Chenle greets, approaching Youngie. He'd told her to meet him in her favorite place, the library. There's a tiny room within the library that has a small table in front of a window, so that's where they currently occupied to have their talk.

 There's a tiny room within the library that has a small table in front of a window, so that's where they currently occupied to have their talk

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"Hey!" Youngie gives him a kind smile as he sits down. She stares at him until he looks up and they make eye contact. She immediately looks down and starts fidgeting with her hands. Tension could be felt the second he'd entered the room. They both have so much they want to say, but neither of them are brave enough to say it.

"W- Well," Chenle clears his throat. "I told, or um, asked you to come here because I w-wanted to tell you something."

"Is everything alright?" Although in the beginning she had expected a conversation about the 'confession', she thinks differently now due to Chenle's tone. Why would he be stuttering over her? He obviously just wants to talk about royal stuff, I mean the prince life can't be an easy one.

Youngie believes there's no way he can return her feelings, so she's just willing to listen and be a good friend, even if it meant putting her crush aside.

"Uh, well, overall yeah, everything's fine but... " Chenle had never felt this nervous before. He cared for her so much, he wondered if he should even go through with this. He knew of all the problems that could occur if they truly got together. He didn't want to put her through that, but his feelings were so strong. He wasn't ready to give up yet.

Youngie can't take it anymore, she wants closure. Did he or did he not like her? That's all she wanted, closure. "Lele, can we talk about what you said the other day... when we were under the bridge."


"S- Sorry! I just heard your mom say it and-"

"N- No, it's fine. I- I like it, I like you." Chenle finally gets out. He didn't intent on saying it right then, but he's glad he did as he felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

"You- you do?"

"Yeah, I do." The two couldn't stop the big goofy grins from spreading across their faces as they look at one another. Youngie felt ecstatic almost, as if everything had finally fell into place. She thinks back to the fight with her mother after she'd hoped Youngie hadn't fallen for Chenle. She didn't like the thought, but it was all worth it in the end.

Neither of them know what to do now. It's clear to Chenle that his feelings are reciprocated once he sees the smile on Youngie's lips following his confession. So now what?

Are they dating? Chenle decides to speak up.

"Moments before I met any of the princesses, you told me, 'Choose the person best for you specifically. If the princess from our enemy village has the best personality, choose her regardless of anyone else, because you deserve someone that makes you happy.' But the thing is, none of the princesses make me happy... you do."

Youngie is taken aback, but that doesn't stop a blush from coating her cheeks. "Chenle... "

"And this might be considered the most selfish decision a Prince could ever make, but I don't care. Youngie, will you be my girlfriend?"

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now