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Chenle runs in and out of his room retrieving his basketball, quickly trying to meet up with Jeno who had already left. He quietly makes his way down the stairs and through the halls, seconds away from rushing out the door, when his dad's most loyal worker, knight Taeyong, stops him.

"And where do you think you're going little guy?" Taeyong ask, grabbing the back of Chenle's collar to stop him from continuing forward.

"Uh, you see... " Chenle starts.

"Didn't your father tell you no sneaking out?" The knight questions.

"Yeah but... come on Taeyong, please! You know I never have fun around here, and now that dad is finally gone," Chenle rants. "I'm your favorite, right? Please Taeyong, please?"

Taeyong couldn't refuse to Chenle's adorable pout.

He sighs. "Fine, but you only have two hours!"

"You won't regret it!" Chenle beams, running out of the castle doors and making his way to the basketball court.

Chenle walks through the kingdom, admiration filling his eyes. He adores each and every person in it, from the towns people who play with their children, to the merchants trying to make a quick dollar. He had always dreamed of being a villager living a simple life.

As Chenle came closer to the court, he noticed 5 trading stands, sitting in his way.

He spots Jeno talking with two people at a small stand, selling some type of food.

'He purchases food from the streets?' Chenle questions himself.

He approaches Jeno and the two women behind the stand. The older of the two looked like they were in their 40's or 50's, and the other looks about Chenle's age.

"Okay, here are your two cups of ramen. Thanks for always helping out Jeno." The older woman says.

"Hey, what's going on here." Chenle ask out of curiosity, pointing at Jeno and the food in his hands.

"P- Prince Chenle?" The older gasp.

"M'lady." Chenle smirks, tipping his head slightly.

"Ah, Ms. Choi this is my good friend, and the prince, Chenle. Chenle, this is my mom's friend, Ms. Choi and her daughter Youngie." Jeno introduces.

The mom bowed profusely while the daughter moved some stock around, not aware young prince.

"Rae... min?"Chenle reads, analyzing the cup he took from Jeno's hands.

"Yup, every time I'm in the village I buy some ramen to help support them." Jeno explains.

"Villagers eat noodles out of cups?" Chenle ask.

"You've never had ramen before?" Youngie exclaims, snooping in on their conversation and finally spotting the boy she's never seen before.

"No, what is it?" Chenle replies.

"I forgot how rich you are." Jeno chuckles. "It's uncooked noodles in cup, all you do is add water hot water and a flavor packet."

"It's that easy? Our personal chef usually takes two hours to make cellophane noodles... " Chenle murmurs.

"Cellophane? Is that even a real word?" Youngie questions to herself.

"It's like clear noodles." Jeno tells, causing Youngie to blush because she didn't realize she spoke aloud. He then turns to speak to Youngie's mom. "Thanks for the ramen Ms. Choi, me and Chenle are going to go play some basketball now." Jeno ends, taking the ramen from Chenle's hands and shoving it in his bag. Chenle skulls, upset that Jeno took the snack while he was still examining it.

"You should play with them." Ms. Choi offers her daughter.

"Oh, n-no, I'm not that good. I could nev-" The young girl tries to decline.

"Youngie please, it's only so often I get to come to the village." Jeno begs.

"Okay, fine... "


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Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now