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After awhile of enjoying the view from the tower, it was time for the kids to go back home. Jeno follows closely behind the two younger boys, giving Youngie a piggyback ride all way down the stairs. Youngie says her goodbyes, meets with her mom, and they go home, only to return to the castle late the next day.

The time is around 5 p.m. or 17:00.

"I can't believe this is my time working in the royal castle!" Ms. Choi fawns over the idea.

"I'm so excited for you mom, do you think you'll need any help?" Youngie ask, turning towards her mother. They were just let into the walls by Guard Taeyong and striding down the short path that led to the front of the castle.

"No, I'll be fine since it's only for a couple hours. You should go hang out with Chenle and Jeno instead."

"If you says so."

Ms. Choi pushes open the doors to the castle and is immediately greeted by Queen Howin.

Youngie waves to her mom and runs up the stairs to find Chenle.

She reaches his bedroom door and softly knocks, slowly creaking it open when she doesn't get a response.

She peeks into the small crack, made in-between the door frame and the actual door.

She sees Chenle in his bed, laying over his blankets, on his back. His dark brown hair is disheveled, as if he'd just woken up. He's wearing a dark grey t-shirt and pure black basketball shorts minus the thick white line on the side. He also had on black ankle socks and little to no make-up.

Daegal stood over top his stomach, running back and forth and only stopping to let Chenle scratch her back, making him let out his high pitched laugh.

Youngie finds the sight adorable, but couldn't gather her thoughts before Daegal turns towards the door and lets out a "hello" bark.

Chenle glances to his side to see what Daegal barked at, quickly sitting up once meeting eyes with his friend.

"Oh, hey." He says quickly attempting to fix his hair.

"Hi," Youngie lets out, opening the door enough to let herself in, then slowly closing it behind her. "How are you?"

"Can I be honest?" Youngie gives a confused look, but nods anyway. "Not too good. All this prince and king stuff is overwhelming, so much is happening all at one time."

Youngie thinks for a second. "Sometimes when I'm stressed I try a new environment. I've especially come to enjoy the village at night, the way the town lights up and all the cool activities... "

"I've never been there at night."

"Wait, really?"

"Yup. Ever since I was a baby, my dad only let us leave the castle in the daytime. Something about beauty sleep or whatever."

"Maybe we could go together? It's only two hours until night fall."

"Okay, let's do it!"

For the next two hours, Jeno and Chenle play video games while Youngie sits behind them, playing with Daegal, looking up every so often.

Chenle makes sure to tell Youngie not to inform Jeno about their plan, him secretly wanting it to be just the two of them since he sees Jeno everyday.

Once the clock hits 7:20 p.m. (or 19:20) Youngie fibs to Jeno about heading home for the day.

Jeno goes off to his bedroom and Chenle brings Youngie to his own so that he can grab a few things.

"So, what will we need for this 'night on the town'?" Chenle questions while on his knees, searching through his drawers.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now