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Jeno gets up off the floor and holds out his hand to help pull Youngie up onto her feet. Once they're both standing, Chenle walks towards the entrance doorway of the kitchen.

He looks left and right a couple of times before signaling Youngie and Jeno to join him in the hallway.

"Okay now that the coast is clear, where should we go first?" Chenle questions, large amounts of excitement in his voice.

He looks back at Youngie which catches her by surprise. She tenses up from the sudden attention before taking a deep breath in and letting it out. She focuses back on Chenle and shrugs.

"This place is huge. I wouldn't know where to start-"

"Let's go to the library!" Jeno offers. He turns to Youngie and whispers, "I know how nerdy you are."

Chenle overheard this comment and kept it in mind. He waited until they were done talking and started marching forward towards the library.

 He waited until they were done talking and started marching forward towards the library

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"Woah." Youngie breathes out. She was speechless due to size of the room.

"Eh, this place is pretty lame. Just a bunch of old dusty books." Chenle comments, making Jeno glare at him. "What?"

"Don't listen to him Youngie." Jeno mutters.

"Jeno, it's fine." Youngie chuckles. "Chenle and I already know that we think very differently. It's kinda cool to hear from a completely different point of view."

Jeno seemed confused. "I mean... my mom used to say opposites attract... but you're still my best friend, right?"

"Always." Youngie reassures Jeno with a smile. She then turns towards Chenle. "D- Do you mind if I walk around a bit?"

"Not at all. You can even borrow some books if you want."

"Wait- really?"


Youngie lets a little squeal while jumping up and down. She then takes off running to the opposite side of the library.

After around an hour, Youngie comes back to the entrance holding about 30 books in her arms.

"Wow, that's a lot." Chenle eyes widen.

She places the pile down in front of her. "O- Oh. Is it too many? I'm really sorry, I just got excited... "

"Nonono! It's perfectly fine!" Chenle assures. "I just don't know how we're going to get all of them out of here without being caught."

"I could get a bag." Jeno offers.

"Hm, how about... " Chenle bends down to pick up the pile of books, only to drop them in Jeno's arms. "You take these outside, and we'll continue the tour."


"Please Jeno? It would mean so much." Youngie begs, she even pouts her lip because she knew Jeno couldn't resist.

"Err, fine." Jeno reluctantly agrees.

"Thanks Jeno! Youngie, follow me." Chenle insist before walking off with Youngie behind him.

"Grr, making me take the books, why couldn't we all just go together? Why would he even want to be alone with her? They barely know each other and she's really shy." Jeno mumbles to himself as he packs the books into duffle bag that he plans to leave outside right by the cabinet crawl space. He sighs. "They're lucky I'm a good friend."

Youngie and Chenle walk side by side up the grand staircase that resides in the foyer.

"I won't lie, my room is pretty boring for a castle." Chenle informs once they reach the top.

"That's fine. I'll probably think it's cool regardless." Youngie says with a smile.

Chenle opens the door to his bedroom and Youngie's jaw drops.

"Boring? This room is bigger than my entire house!" Youngie exclaims

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"Boring? This room is bigger than my entire house!" Youngie exclaims. Chenle laughs a little.

"This my random... horse head, thing. I actually don't know why I have this, but anywho, this is my-"

"Is that a balcony!" Youngie gasp and runs to the doors.

Once she's outside, she leans against the railing, admiring the entire village below

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Once she's outside, she leans against the railing, admiring the entire village below.

Chenle walks up and stands next to her.

"Beautiful, huh?"

"H- Huh?" Youngie ask, turning to meet eyes with Chenle.

"The view of Redamancy. It's beautiful right?"

"OH, I thought you meant- nevermind." She shakes it off. "I can't believe I'm in a castle right now. With the prince!"

Chenle lets out a long sigh. Youngie looks at him and tilts her head, analyzing him to see if something was wrong.

"Just, don't think of me as 'the prince', think of me as a friend."

"We're f-friends? Yeah, okay, friends." Youngie stutters before giving Chenle a kind smile and turning back towards the village.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now