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Youngie and Chenle go their separate ways after awhile of hanging out. When they finished playing at the park, they went back to Ms. Choi's stand where Chenle got his ramen, and then made his way back towards his family before he got into too much trouble.

Once reunited with his family, his dad was already prepared with a 10 minute scolding.

"How could you be so dumb!? You had one responsibility today! Walk with us. All you had to do was walk with us! But, no." King Peng yells at the top of his lungs.

Chenle rolls his eyes, completely uninterested in his dad's hurtful words. It was nothing new, they did this all the time. Chenle just wanted to have fun like a normal kid, but his father pushes all the 'growing up to be King' stuff on him.

"You could have gotten taken, KIDNAPPED! Do you know what that would mean for me?"

"Oh of course." Chenle scoffs. "You only care about yourself and your stupid image. Do you even think about how-"

"No you idiot! I would be absolutely heartbroken if I lost my son!" Peng snaps. This took Chenle by surprise. It seems his dad actually did care for him, he was just bad at showing it. "You're so inconsiderate... get out of my face! Go to you're room and don't come out for the next week!"

Chenle was going to argue back but decide to not and walked to his room.

In his room he stared at the wall, not really having much else to do.

He didn't have any toys, all his video games were stored in their own room, and he barely even had any furnisher. His father did this so that his room could look "more formal".

He missed being outside, he missed hanging out with Jeno. He missed ramen... he missed Youngie.

He found Youngie interesting not only because she had the complete opposite personality of his, but also because she lived in a whole different world than him.

She lived the simple village life he'd always dreamed of, and she could explain it in great detail. Even better than Jeno!

While Chenle was in his thoughts, he heard tiny footsteps scurrying across the floor.

He felt a small touch on his leg and looked down to meet eyes with his adorable furry friend.

"Oh, hi Daegal." He crouches down to pick her up. "How ya doing girl?"

He holds her in one arm, like a baby, and scratches her head.

"At least I have you. I'll never let dad take you away from me." Chenle states. Daegal begins to give Chenle kisses all around his face, making him smile.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now