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One by one each princess walks up to Chenle and curtsies, telling him which Kingdom they're from before sitting back down.

"Alright Chenle. For the first trial you are going to ask the princesses a very important question. Whichever five give the worst answers, you will vote off. Then we'll do this all again next week with a different test." King Peng tells.

"A very important question? Okay, what is everyone's favorite video game?"

An uproar is caused as all the princesses and their fathers gasp.

Guang slightly shoves Chenle's shoulder. When Chenle turns back to look at him he mouths the word, 'really?'

"Probably all of the most popular first person shooters." The girl in the black dress replies with a shrug.

"Jiyun!" Her father yells. "I'm so sorry, she didn't mean that at a-"

"Yes I did." Jiyun buds in.

"Nothing. But. Trouble." Peng fumes, glaring at Jiyun's dad.

"Good thing you're not choosing then." Chenle snickers.

Peng becomes angrier so Howin steps in to calm down the situation.

"Okay Chenle, another question!" His mom exclaims before bending down to whisper in his ear, "And take it seriously this time."

Chenle sighs.

"What could you personally bring to this Kingdom?" He questions in a bored tone.

"Oh, I'll go first!" The 1st princess says. "I think I could-"

"No I'll go first." Jiyun cuts her off. "I don't think there's anything I need to bring. I know King Chenle already has it handled."

"That's not how you're supposed to-"

Chenle interrupts his father, "I- I like that answer." Chenle found it weird. He didn't want to be King, and having help from his wife would make it so much easier. So why didn't her answer bother him?

Maybe it wasn't what she said, more how she said it.

Princess 1 dramatically clears her throat.

"As I was saying, I could help by bringing in more tourist. Although we'd have to change everything about this place-"

"Okay, NEXT!" Chenle shouts.

"I think I could bring dictatorship. Down with the democracy!" Another princess says.

"I like her." Peng mumbles, making Chenle roll his eyes.

"I could bring organization." Princess 3 says.

"Better food!" Say 4.

"Community." 5 states.

"Medieval aesthetic." Speaks 6.

"New buildings!" 7 says.

"I could up the visual standard, I mean just look at me." 8 answers, flipping her hair.

"Flowers, everywhere." 9 says.

"More festivals!" This came from 10.

"More freedoms to for the villagers!" 11 says.

"Riches." Says 12.

"Safety from war." 13 says.

"Live entertainment." 14 finishes them off.

"All good answers ladies, now we'll take a few minutes to talk it over and-"

"That's okay mom, I got this." Chenle clears his throat. "1, 2, 6, 8, and 12, I have to let you guys go."

"A- Are you sure you don't want to get rid of 15? That's Jiyun if you forgot." Peng begs.

"I'm sure. To those five, I am truly sorry. Please except a gift bag full of money, curtsey of my dad! The other ten, I'll see you next week!" Chenle announces.

"Wait, what!" Peng yells.

The room floods out until it is just the Zhong family left.

"I'm so proud of you Chenle, making King-like decision all on your own." His mother praises.

"Yeah, but only thinking about himself in the process."

"Guang!" Lily angrily scolds her fiancé. "Don't listen to him Chenle, you did great."

"Do listen to him Chenle, dictatorship is what this Kingdom needs, not some black dressed, rebel princess as Queen!" To no ones surprise, this came from his father.

"But dictatorship is only what you want. How is that not selfish?" Chenle argues, glancing around at the rest of his family. They all stayed quiet with their heads hung los. "Why is no one saying anything? Is anyone going to stand up to him?"

With the silence, Chenle gets up from the throne and stomps away to his room.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now