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"I don't like her, I can't like her... " He sighs, rolling over onto his stomach. "How could the only girl I fall for not be one of the princesses?"

Chenle is staring at his phone which current displays a picture of him and Youngie together, smiling. Jisung had taken the photo back when they were at the basketball court, before the ball. 

Today was another one of those days for Chenle where he'd lay in bed all morning and overthink something random while chewing his nails.

"I mean, whenever there's a group Daegal always runs to her first, so that could mean something?" The prince suggest, looking over at his resting dog and then back to his phone. "Let's see, I think she's absolutely beautiful and love every moment we spend together, does that mean I have a crush? Ugh, what does it matter!" He shouts, throwing a pillow across the room. "I can't be with her regardless... And I don't want to
"What are you rambling on about?" Jeno grunts, removing his headphones. He was sitting right in front of Chenle's bed, listening to music while practicing hisruin our friendship."

"I like Youngie, I think." Chenle lets out.

Jeno freezes, opening his mouth but taking about a minute to actually find words. "Maybe we could discuss this over a calming stroll?" The boy offers, leading Chenle out the room before he can object.

While Jeno and Chenle are talking, they run into King Peng who's speed walking in the opposite direction that they were.



"Hello King Peng." Jeno greets, breaking the son and father's glares at one another.

Chenle scoffs. "Don't you have a 'very important business meeting' scheduled today, somewhere outside the castle?"

"Maybe, but I'm not going to tell you because I don't like your tone very much." Peng huffs, crossing his arms and turning away in a child like manner.

"O... kay. Well anywho, Chenle, maybe you could tell your father about your dilemma?" Jeno speaks.

"No way! He can't know, he'd only make things worse... "

"Fine, I don't care for your stupid secret anyways. Now, if you don't mind I have some super cool King stuff to do elsewhere." Peng states, marching past the two younger boys.

He enters a huge room, nothing but an executive desk and a rolling chair siting in the middle. He slips a key out from his back pocket and glances left and right before inserting it into the top cabinet of the desk. He turns and quickly removes it, slowly opening the drawer.

He reaches inside and gently lifts up a box.

It was an 100 piece cat puzzle.

Peng checks once more to make sure the office door is locked and goes back to sit down, beginning to put his puzzle together.

His phone all of a suddenly starts ringing, him rolling his eyes as he reluctantly answers it.

A deep and ominous voice divulges from the device. "Is... is this the King of Redamancy?"

"Yeah, what do you need, and can you make it quick?" Peng sticks out his tongue, focusing more attention to the puzzle as he tries to fit a piece in the wrong hole.

"I'm so sick you!" The voice spat. "Treating everyone in and out of your village terribly for years on end! You're a narcissistic loser and I'm gonna do the world a BIG favor by getting rid of you, no matter what it takes... Peng you'll regret the day you- "

*Beep* The King ends the phone call. "Well, I'm sure that's nothing to worry about." Peng shrugs as he continues on his puzzle.

Prince's Choice - Zhong ChenleWhere stories live. Discover now