36. Tidus Discovers Girls: The Hard Way

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"So this is Uncle Atticus's room..." Tidus whispered.

The young boy looked around as he was waiting patiently as his mother and uncle had a conversation in the living room. As Tidus was waiting, he decided to explore Atticus' 'bachelor pad' as he called it, finally arriving at the master bedroom.

"Wow... it's so far up!" Tidus commented in awe as he looked out from the window. "I didn't know we were so far up. Uncle Atticus must like looking down at people from up here."

He then looked over to the closet, which contained many Hawaiian themed shirts, and then over to the master bed where a small shoebox was sticking out from underneath.

"I wonder if he forgot to put his shoes in the closet." Tidus wondered as he approached the box. The boy picked it up, shaking it slightly. The sound sounded a bit... off and it was far too light to be shoes. The boy arched an eyebrow, shaking the box again as he placed his ear to it before opening the box.

As the box opened, Tidus questionably observed the item inside the box. It wasn't shoes, in fact it looked like some sort of magazine.

"What's this? A magazine...?" Tidus asked himself. He looked at the front cover, seeing that there was a young woman who was only covered with a towel, posing as if she were caught naked.

"She must've gotten out of the tub. I wonder why someone would take a picture of that, I guess I'd be pretty embarrassed." He commented.

The young boy felt inclined to take a look of what is yet to see in the magazine. He slowly opened the magazine only to see pages full of scantily or even nude women, causing him to blush slightly.

"I wonder why they are naked? I bet those girls can't afford clothes. Well mom did say clothes can be a lot of money." Said Tidus. "And wow what are those things on their chests?! They look kinda weird... actually I think mom once told me she fed me with those things... they look so weird but... I don't know why I can't stop looking at them... and are those buttons?"

Tidus felt himself blushing harder, getting even more curious at the next page. "Whoa! Is that a beard?! I didn't know girls can grow beards, but I wonder why it's down there and not on her face? Geez... maybe Uncle Atticus will tell me since this is his."

Tidus' mouth gaped wide open as he turned to the next page. He felt himself blushing harder, he felt himself feeling 'tingly' at the sight of the nearly nude women.

"Whoa, I've never seen 'that thing' before... wow... girls really have this? I-it's kinda creepy... but why can't I look awa-"


Tidus turned around immediately, seeing a shocked Alexis peeping from his shoulder. Her hazel eyes were widened at the sight of her son looking at something too inappropriate for his age.

"M-mom? I didn't even see you coming!"

"W-What the?! What are you looking at?!" Alexis scolded. "Why do you even have that?!"

"Uhhh... uhh? I'm not sure, I found this underneath uncle's bed. It looks like these girls can't afford clothes." Tidus innocently answered his panicking mother. "Mom, what's wrong?"

"W... what's wrong?! Tidus... ugh... that magazine is not for boys your age! It has plenty of pictures you should not see!" The blonde woman explained, grabbing it from Tidus. "The fact that... ooooh... I'm gonna get your uncle for this!"

"Everything okay up there? Heard some shouting up there." said Atticus as he entered the room.

Alexis immediately glared at her brother, holding the magazine towards his face. "CARE TO EXPLAIN THIS?!" She growled.

Atticus' brown eyes widened "I thought that was under my bed! How did you find it?!"

"What's worse was that Tidus found it! How could you own these things?! What kind of example are you setting for your nephew!" She scolded.

"I didn't even want him to find that!" Atticus replied in his defense.

Tidus gulped. "So mom... can I finish the-"

"NO! Ugh... Tidus, you're grounded... er I mean... j-just get out of your uncle's room! Go play with your video games... NOW!" Alexis stuttered, frustrated at the situation. She hoped that the boy would be like his father, learning things like this later in life.

Tidus sighed and obeyed his mother as Alexis facepalmed in disappointment.

Atticus had a drop of sweat on his forehead, nervously chuckling as he hoped his sister calmed down. "So... uh... could I have my magazines back?"

Alexis immediately glared, having flames fuming in her eyes as her teeth gritted. "Oh... I'll give you back your magazine alright..." she growled before chasing her brother around his apartment, striking him with his own magazine rolled up.

Tidus could only blush deeply, thinking about what he saw and the flashing imagery that would appear in his childlike mind. What a day...

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